View Full Version : Messerschmidt BF 109 and pilot discovered in Denmark

9th Mar 2017, 12:34
Wanted to share these remarkable news:

A few days ago, a Me109 was found in a field here in Denmark, including the remains of the pilot and his papers.

The farmer's son was doing a school project on WW2, and his grandfather had told him a story of a plane that had crashed near the farm during WW2, so he went out with a metal detector and found the plane.

Whether it was dug down, or sank into what may have been a swamp then, is unclear.

There is speculation that this was a training flight.

14-årige Daniel og hans far gjorde deres livs fund: »Det er utroligt, at min farfars vandrehistorie holdt vand« (http://www.b.dk/nationalt/14-aarige-daniel-og-hans-far-gjorde-deres-livs-fund-det-er-utroligt-at-min)