View Full Version : ACK/REJ messages ATC stations

8th Mar 2017, 17:34
Hi all,

as we know, there are ACK and REJ messages from ATC units which either acknowledge or reject your FPL or other message. The common problem we encounter in our airline is that not all ATC stations respond with ACK messages, so we do not really know if our flight plan has been accepted or not.
Say, neither China or India ATC stations known to us which recieve our FPL via AFTN send as any feedback in form of ACK msg.
The question is - are there any dedicated AFTN adresses for stations responsible for acknowledging your FPL and send a respective message, as it is the case with EUCHZMFP or UUUWZDZX. Some sort of a national central flow unit I guess. Or maybe a list of those.

9th Mar 2017, 15:28
Not all ATC Units send ACK and/or REJ Messages. In the Flight Planning System we use (PPS) First, Flight Plan is sent to EUROCONTROL. After ACK the Plan is sent to other AFTNS. Countries in the Middle East send MAN and ACK Messages. But be careful because some countries like Iran just ACK the Flight Plan without confirming the Route is Correct.