View Full Version : One down at Traralgon today

Desert Flower
23rd Feb 2017, 06:29
Just saw a short video clip on FB of a small single down in a paddock. Couldn't identify aircraft.

Two people have escaped injury in a light plane crash at Traralgon this afternoon.
Paramedics assessed a man and woman who weren't injured, but are shaken.


23rd Feb 2017, 06:43
Plane crash lands near Princes Highway, pilot and passenger 'shaken' but unharmed (http://www.theage.com.au/national/secondary-education-victoria/plane-crash-lands-near-princes-highway-pilot-and-passenger-shaken-but-unharmed-20170223-gujlmo.html)

Looks like a PA28.

Desert Flower
23rd Feb 2017, 06:59
Thanks Cloudee. That's better than the video clip from the chopper.


23rd Feb 2017, 08:12
This one is a bit more original. The article and the photos are the local journos own.

Light plane crash at Traralgon | Latrobe Valley Express (http://www.latrobevalleyexpress.com.au/story/4488445/light-plane-crash-at-traralgon/)


Duck Pilot
23rd Feb 2017, 08:22
They done a good job to walk away from it.

Aeroplane won't fly again, sadly.

23rd Feb 2017, 09:44
Engine failure my butt.......carby icing more likely. Glad no one was hurt though.

23rd Feb 2017, 11:09
Looks like a rental plane from TVSA

23rd Feb 2017, 20:31
Yes PA28. Rego clearly shown on CH9 news last night. VH-CGX.
Thankfully no one injured.

sms777 - carby icing..?? I doubt it. Article says ATSB won't be investigating though so I guess we won't be finding out what caused it (if that's true).

The Golden Rivet
24th Feb 2017, 04:08
Poor old CGX, see ya mate 🙁

24th Feb 2017, 08:54
Fuel, the lack of, in selected tank?


24th Feb 2017, 12:07
Engine failure at 800 feet on base, and landed "one and a half kilometres from the airport"??

24th Feb 2017, 13:17
That's quite possible, Checkboard.

I can think of more than a couple of times, arriving in circuit in a fast ship behind another in a slow ship. Then the slow ship elects to do a NAVEX for a circuit..

(PS: A general comment and not related to what happened to VH-CGX.)

24th Feb 2017, 23:50
Then the slow ship elects to do a NAVEX for a circuit

Frustrating, indeed .. and, generally, quite unnecessary.

Many years ago, I did some work on Ralph Capponi's 685. He cut out payment for the engineering in a circuit session off 17 at EN .. with the climb performance, near empty, didn't need to go outside the aerodrome boundary .. poor old Ralph in the RHS couldn't see the aerodrome most of the time.

25th Feb 2017, 01:03
Was that VH-BHH?

25th Feb 2017, 03:44
Too long ago to recall the tailfeathers and I wouldn't have bothered logging it at the time so a logbook check wouldn't help.