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View Full Version : GA progression in 2017

Far Canel
12th Feb 2017, 12:16
Hello. Just a very quick question. Hardly ever posted on this site so here goes.
The word on the street is that SE turbine is becoming just as important as 500 multi? Though speaking to many operators in person the general option can still be quiet mixed depending on the future goals you have. My self 1340, 155 multi IPC, ATPL subjects done. There seems to be not a lot of response. Time in the bush, traveling, speaking/talking/emailing to a lot of operators especially in the last two months seem to be sort of encouraging, but no real light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

I am not asking anyone to hand anything to me on a silver platter, just maybe some constructive input from anyone out there in a similar situation.
Maybe back to the drawing board for a careful, considered, and realistic new approach to the industry.
Could just be wrong place at the wrong time for me.

12th Feb 2017, 18:48
Get another 160 hours and you could apply for an RPT job in the US either flying the CRJ or Embraer jungle jets. Check out the US regional airlines thread on here for details about the E3 visa process. You get a free jet type rating, no bond, no minimum years of service and an FAA ATP. Not to mention great training and experience flying in all weather conditions across the whole of the US domestically, as well as internationally in to Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas.

12th Feb 2017, 19:42
SE Turbine time is great, but will never outweigh Multi PIC under the IFR until LCRPT Command requirements are changed. I would've thought Qlink, Jetstar NZ, Skytrans or even Air NZ link would have a good look at you with those hours these days.

Left 270
12th Feb 2017, 23:18
I would think there would be quite a few good options out there for you at the moment. To add to above, Aviair, Hinterland, Chartair, Hardys, and others all advertised in the not to distant past, where have you been looking and what's your preference for type of job/location? Also how much night, IFR and is your past time charter?
Pretty good time to be unemployed at the moment if there is such a thing.

13th Feb 2017, 00:11
I think it still comes down to right place right time and a bit of luck

I have mates who are flying decent twins ifr with 250 hours tt, other colleagues getting onto twins with 3000 hours tt, and they all worked hard.

I'm still not entirely sure what operators are looking for in ga, sometimes I shake my head at the decisions my boss makes when hiring/firing.

Far Canel
13th Feb 2017, 00:44
Thanks guys, I have been in contact with those companies, I probably have to be more proactive and win hungry in my approach. I am sure something will show up.
Someone was just telling me about that USA gig(s) the other day. 6 pilots from a certain Saab operator have packed their bags and gone, as long as 1500 tt 500 xc 100 night dual or ICUS or pic it is quiet a cheap and very quick way onto jets.
I have 40 hours night total , which rules me out , they are quite strict, but if you have those hours not a problem I can confortably say at Ye moment.

Ironically with my night experience, it is one part of flying at the top of my list. Night freight ect.

Horatio Leafblower
13th Feb 2017, 00:56
Also how much night, IFR and is your past time charter?

If you have been flying around in a "commercial" twin like a Baron, Chieftain, and upwards then you should pick something up pretty quickly.

If it is all duchess time around Bankstown or Moorabbin, then maybe not so much.

13th Feb 2017, 01:13
I was going to start a new thread but here seems to be a good place. I am in much the same position as our thread starter, but without any multi time outside of my MECIR.

Will be heading North in mid-March, hoping to get a look in with operators in Torres Strait and PNG.

My question would be, are these places you still just turn up at and see if the CP is around? I'm pretty sure that an email won't do but wondering if prior notice is required. Don't want to rock up in POM and find out they don't like walk-ins.

Also, would the Torres Strait companies all have offices on Horn, or would a trip to Cairns be more advisable?

Far Canel
13th Feb 2017, 01:29
I only have phoned and emailed operators in Queensland as said in a previous post. I am sure you have to rock up on Horn Island with those operators, Cairns as well. POM from what I have heard from guys who have been on that adventure, is to turn up,CP if not busy or out flying are happy to talk to you provided mins met gen 1000-1500+, and you obviously serious or you would not be there in the first place. I emailed the CP in Tropicair up there, will respond with realistic and positive feedback in terms of what he wants.

Round trip cns-horn-Pom is what I am planning. Might be a very good fact finding adventure, you may get something out it. Stay positive, keep your head down. All part of the fun and games👌👌

Left 270
13th Feb 2017, 01:40
40 hrs night is also below RPT requirements however that can be avoided at company discretion, but might put you a little further down the list.

Going Nowhere
13th Feb 2017, 10:15
One of the recent QLink ground schools had newbies with hours ranging between 300-6000 so there is a lot more to it than just the hours.

Far Canel
14th Feb 2017, 02:58
Thanks people for advice and information. It's very obvious you have all been there and understand the situation exactly:ok::ok::ok:

Capt Fathom
14th Feb 2017, 04:54
A quick question for you Far Canel...

You've done 1300 hrs and some Multi time over 7 years. Was that achieved through odd jobs / part time flying, our have you had some full time jobs in there with long periods of unemployment?

Far Canel
14th Feb 2017, 05:48
Out of the game for a while doing other work to cover loans. Back into it at 450 tt mid 2015. But all current and good to go, now the challenging part again? But being single helps:ok:

14th Feb 2017, 07:32
Multi is gold.
Your 'word on the street' is more than likely to be just that. Hyped up by pilots doing SETurbine to make themselves feel better or by those employers that operate SETurbine. From what I have observed it is not reflected in criteria asked for in pilot applications by airlines. Yes sure I can think of about 1 that asks if you have any, thats about it.

14th Feb 2017, 12:49
Here's a 'thought'....

Why not change direction and apply for ATC...

'Solid' employment... Get paid every fortnight... and...GREAT 'Super'...and
as much coffee as you can drink.....


Far Canel
15th Feb 2017, 00:53

Wow it gets better and better by the day. I do appreciate the thought Ex FSO GRIFFO

15th Feb 2017, 01:52
For those considering turning up on Horn Island - you will be wasting your money, operators hire from e-mails and phone calls.

Far Canel
15th Feb 2017, 11:36
Yeah tried both phone and email with no response. I would say it is quiet competitive with the main two operators there. But have heard from guys up there in the past about how fantastic and challenging their time there was:ok:
Sounds good to me.

15th Feb 2017, 13:22
Neither... It sounds like he had a woman :}A quick question for you Far Canel...

You've done 1300 hrs and some Multi time over 7 years. Was that achieved through odd jobs / part time flying, our have you had some full time jobs in there with long periods of unemployment?

Far Canel
17th Feb 2017, 05:09
Guys just noticed on AFAP.Skytrans looking for dash drivers, type rated, 1000TT 500multi/cmd. The website says cpl and multi IR . English level 4?

Maybe just casting the bet a bit further? Or may a Brisbane base might be attractive to special mission pilot in Broome ect, or maybe just the th way it is at the moment?

Capt Fathom
17th Feb 2017, 10:34
Far Canel
Any chance you could translate that last post into some form of language and grammar that makes sense to us old fashioned types out here! :confused:

Far Canel
17th Feb 2017, 22:55
Sure Captain Fathom
The Air Federation of Air Pilots(AFAP)had advertised a position with Skytrans for a F/O(First Officer) position on a dash 8 in Brisbane.

The company website minimums are:
1. CPL(A)
2. IPC
3. English Language level 4

How ever the AFAP post
Total time 1000
Dash 8 Type Rating
500 multi-engine command
Experience on type
100 night

So as to can see they have increased there requirements.
My question was are they casting their need a bit further, because there might be quiet a few Dash 8 pilots around looking(I.e. Cobham special mission).

Far Canel
19th Feb 2017, 08:49
Roundhouse that's not bad going,must be happy with that though. Just at a BBQ today with a few Aviation mentors, which I have to say are hard to come by in this industry, saying exactly the same thing.

As Dehg 5776 said above,Rex are loosing a few. All skippers and checkers(even worst). They have been there before and I am sure they will work it all out. But at some stage upgrades for F/O and/or cadets will sort that out in the long run.
And GA Ect ect :ok: Chin up and the sun will still rise in the morning

23rd Jun 2017, 16:36
Yeah your not the only one in this boat. I had hours come over a period of two and a half years leaving me with 1700TT but all single and no multi due to the nature of the previous company. At such a dead end and nervous that only having having high single time makes me ineligible for some operators... I guess you have to keep the applications rolling and make sure not to stay stationary. I have found that is key to keep morale from being low. Good luck to you mate, your not the only one in this boat!

Oh God.. I'm also in the same boat as you both. Dead end at current company with only singles, 1400 hrs and the struggle to find another company that is actually hiring. Applications flying out every week, camping on AFAP day and night (for the past year) and getting email replies that either they're not hiring, not enough twin hours/night/ifr is quite demoralising.

What do you mean by having high single time makes you ineligible for some operators?
I've also heard of this, but unsure of what the upper single engine time limits are?

24th Jun 2017, 03:02
Applications flying out every week, camping on AFAP day and night (for the past year) and getting email replies that either they're not hiring, not enough twin hours/night/ifr is quite demoralising.

Have you bothered leaving the safety of your computer and actually presented yourself to a potential operator?

There is heaps of movement right now fact.
There is quick progression to a twin in companies that have a large twin fleet, fact.
Most jobs are not advertised on AFAP (or anywhere else), they are word of mouth or there to be hoovered up by someone ready to pounce locally, fact.
Unless you are there in person the chances of you getting a twin gig are slim at best, yet another fact.

24th Jun 2017, 07:36
What do you mean by having high single time makes you ineligible for some operators?
I've also heard of this, but unsure of what the upper single engine time limits are

It's usually operators with twins who deem your experience as a threat, especially so with SE Turbine time. What it means to them is that you are only good for a few hundred hours as the combined SE turbine and twin time ticks all the boxes for regionals, so you will probably be out of there ASAP.

24th Jun 2017, 13:06
I haven't been in the GA scene for a few years now, but with all the majors in Australia and overseas now hiring, I thought the progression would almost be at an all time high.

I'd say high single time is not a disadvantage if you don't expect to jump straight into a twin. Be prepared to spend another year in a single with a company that has good twin progression e.g. Hardy's, Hinterland, Broome Air Services etc.
Chase it and most importantly network as much as possible.
It will happen.

25th Jun 2017, 03:58
The majors are very selective with past experience. Jetstar has a thing about hiring from Rex, Tiger takes a lot from Qlink and Virgin are just too hard (take ages to make up who they want).