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7th Feb 2017, 12:50

I have tried searching the forum but have not found the answer and hope this is posted in the right area.

1. Is there any disadvantage to using different ATOs for the CPL and IR courses?

The familiarity gained from doing both courses at the same place and building a better working relationship with the instructors would seem to me as the main reasons for staying with one ATO but, does splitting the courses at different ATOs get viewed differently by potential airline employers?

2. How have people found the change from analogue gauges to G1000 type displays when you have done the IR course ie on DA42?

Thank you for your advice.

7th Feb 2017, 13:24
Personally I split hour building, CPL and ME/IR between 3 separate schools due to trying to get the best deal. Subsequently it was never mentioned at any point in my airline interview which lead to a job offer.

However, I understand that some of the "big" airlines do make a point of completing modular training in one school. If I remember rightly the Flybe recruitment page made this fairly clear.

To be honest, I found the G1000 quite a big step up from flying a C150 for hour building. It did take some time to feel comfortable with how to set it up and I actually enjoyed my PA34 time (ME) more than I did the DA42 for the IR. But you can buy a 2nd hand version of Flight Sim X in Amazon for around 10 quid and there are a couple of DA42 add-ons you can purchase. Of course you can't learn IR skills on a computer game, but I used to set the simulator to thick fog and practice my G1000 instrument scan at home.

7th Feb 2017, 21:22
1. Is there any disadvantage to using different ATOs for the CPL and IR courses?

The familiarity gained from doing both courses at the same place and building a better working relationship with the instructors would seem to me as the main reasons for staying with one ATO but, does splitting the courses at different ATOs get viewed differently by potential airline employers?

Flybe accept modular candidates so long as they do all their CPL/ME/IR at the same school. I think Aurigny recommend doing the same aswell.