View Full Version : Jeppesen meltdown

mngmt mole
2nd Feb 2017, 02:18
So, in the space of a few weeks, the following: 1) the manager of the entire CMP project resigns to 'spend more time with his family', and 2) It now appears Jeppesen may be finding CX's worldwide operation difficult to come to grips with. Basically, the cooks in the kitchen don't know what to do. As usual, nothing to do with CX, their operation, their management, their communications or their methods is credible. This project is starting to look like yet another method of messing the crew, their families and their lives up. I would advise great caution and suspicion as to anything anyone has to say on the subject in the near term. Between this, the EFB, fuel hedging and any number of other debacles this airline has embroiled us in, CX pilots should expect many more threats to their peace of mind. Perhaps it will one day be acknowledged that the real problem is our management, their mindset and their incompetence.

(I have reworded some of my post in the interests of accuracy. It is referring to comments from people who were involved with the project, recently resigned. No slight or disrespect meant to Jeppesen as a company). mngmt mole.

2nd Feb 2017, 02:49
You might want to review the AOA forums.

2nd Feb 2017, 07:34
The system is designed to be win/win. Company benefits, crew benefit, everyone's happy.

But this is CX and we want to stick our fat fingers in and have control and dick around with it.

Because that's what we've always done.

Problem is the CMP is the same coin if the crew get screwed the airline efficiency gets screwed and it's lose/lose.

Which is exactly where we are now!

The deep dive showed win/win.

Great buy it.

Now CX wants win/lose, problem is that doesn't work and would fail the deep dive, which is why the wheels are now falling off this programme.

Think about the level of logic in this part of the world.

There is none! So they can't fathom why it doesn't work.

And convinces them that the current CX system is actually perfect and perhaps didn't need to be changed and the problem lies with the pilots as always.


2nd Feb 2017, 13:25
Like I've always said. First rule of talking a crazy man off the ledge is don't let him take you with him if he jumps.

2nd Feb 2017, 15:42

3rd Feb 2017, 01:11
Obvious train wreck was obvious.

What was more likely, CX to use CMP project to take a fundamental review of rostering methods, then implement a new technical solution around that, or to take what they have, and insist on trying to automate it "better", then blame the system when that doesn't work.

3rd Feb 2017, 01:38
Yes, let's talk about the EFB debacle and it's 100% owner and pimp, GMLO.
Kids in grade 1 math classes make less blunders than these 3rd floor Elites but for the kids - there is no cost only a learning experience.
For the Elites upstairs, this (under the wing of our now GMLO) has been a 10 year mega expensive Cluster Fu** of a debacle that seems never ending..
Jepps?, NavTech?, Apple?, Surface Pro?, Our software (**** on AB)?, Their Software?, Can't be certified on AB?, Can be certified on Boeing?, Doesn't work on Boeing?, 700 ($$) IT pros upstairs, lets try something else?.......
What the almighty Fu**. And of course the Supreme Elite DFO and her predecessor have overseen (managed) this debacle since day one.
Yeah, it's "Time to Win" alright...

4th Feb 2017, 03:42
EFB.... CMP....

I remember in a previous life where it took my employer 12 months (possibly more, can't remember now) to change to a new type of uniform shirt. "It's a huge effort from a logistical point of view. A lot bigger job than we anticipated" were the calls from our illustrious management team. Eyebrows were raised from those of us on the line as well as the comment "it's just a new shirt isn't it!?!?"

We hadn't had the shirts for that long.... and the airline went bust. If the 'shirt' debacle were not a sign of things to come......


9th Feb 2017, 13:02
Why is it that it never dawns on anyone upstairs at hello kitty city to buy an off-the-shelf answer to their problems? This reverse engineering thing never, ever works out and costs heaps after it goes tits up.

9th Feb 2017, 14:10
Because ego?