View Full Version : Changes at Vintage Wings of Canada

Dave Hadfield
26th Jan 2017, 17:46
Hi All,

Just to dispel rumours, things have changed at VWoC, but the aircraft will still fly, and events will still take place. It's only the previous charity-entity which has shut down.

Good explanation here:

Back to our Roots > Vintage Wings of Canada (http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/582/Back-to-our-Roots.aspx)


India Four Two
29th Jan 2017, 04:28
Hi Dave,

Welcome to PPRuNe.

The page you linked is interesting but it seems to leave a lot out.

In spite of its remarkable success in pursuing its mission of public outreach and education over the past 14 years, VWC has made less progress towards financial viability. As a result, it has continued to rely heavily on its primary donor for operational funds and has forecast continued significant deficits for the foreseeable future. In the fall of 2016, the independent board of VWC therefore determined that it would be prudent and responsible to wind down the existing charitable organization and announced plans to do so at the annual meeting of VWC members held in December.(My bold)

Can you expand on this somewhat terse statement?

Dave Hadfield
29th Jan 2017, 23:09
Sure, but the sentence seem self-explanatory to me. The biggest challenge to all flying museums is, unfortunately, usually, funding.

What would you like to know?

Dave Hadfield
29th Jan 2017, 23:11
Anyway, on another note, here is a brand-new acquisition of the Collection:


It was previously owned by the Irvings, of New Brunswick.

30th Jan 2017, 13:22
That is, IMHO, simply stunning