View Full Version : Catreus UK. Anyone know anything about them ?

17th Dec 2016, 11:13
A friend was offered a FO job with Catreus in the UK though is being asked to pay 28,000usd for a Phenom 300 rating.
I've never heard of this outfit. Anyone got any info ? Are they legit ? Is it a stable job (as far as biz jets ops go) ?


19th Dec 2016, 13:22
They're a legit outfit with AOC, several Citations under management, mainly Excels, don't tend to have home base, move around where they are needed by owners and chartered where available for charter. Been around several years. Lean and efficient.

19th Dec 2016, 17:05
Leaving aside the ethics of paying for a type rating for a second...

$28k for a Phenom type rating?! If it was something a bit more useful (Boeing, Airbus) then maybe...

19th Dec 2016, 18:35
Have a look at :


Could explain why buzzc152`s friend needs to pay for his won rating.

19th Dec 2016, 18:48
Here is another link to another company which is no longer with us. Cy Williams of Catreus was a director of that one also.


https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-prod/docs/llB8QFb6_7U840S5A7XZwD-sjc6Sh5Nvp90o3-fR008/application-pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=ASIAIJFCRBBQY2ACH3PA&Expires=1482176650&Signature=6pUkhf2LWngf5kDzhYvVnNF%2Bl1I%3D&x-amz-security-token=FQoDYXdzEEgaDC2Vo4bZtKYTx1Q9OyKcAxsCXRBgaAJhwOR4b5T8kc ygn2X2qvw3CM4R0Kp321X%2BnoQuseVTOUpcy0k96o9hCQ1qNeZD7UfQ88JF ZEf4hVspVBeCTYpnWdXWU3qnjxITHX2NEOwAE5QmUILEeAfXDbZ%2FNaUdaY PftzCJL9y39bYfslE0mT2oAlvQ0NGKnnJP%2FVi9clvHYCH%2FNV04Id2v%2 BUSMq2WAtHo6CocHYgvkeJ2WKNLHsvnPLBd%2FIfdCJ301yOTy%2BaoNoWWA 2JoDQ%2FNvwu8opAS2AWAM9ThwvATvFX3NnIbbgMmRaxXmjKNiwYz7ci5lcn gNMzIqRHfXyhPcEe0JOCF4Tcotq401LjWfwHPmSPGZVRZQxMK4RqryEqljMX qt5qIDlmXmSsWIIlGPcpJsCnEVOYVt0Cl7xr%2FXORrKkk78jHNWVLU40VV4 2AbqDp78lWaxvG3UzYYX%2Bd7LK06CeeA9wiuI9adSyPwD51ymChhAvidibd pFFjDGHbm%2BraPmbKgWFWjD6alg3ef%2Bjum12eAEKIN7xhh3ZMQuabxVk0 GF1%2FR9N%2F8DCxMo893fwgU%3D