View Full Version : Renewing UK CAA Class 2 and Asmtha (Bronchial Test Required)

2nd Dec 2016, 08:32

Originally got my class 2 back in Jan 2013. BUT the AME did not request Spirometry or Bronchial Reactivity Test so I was issued with paperwork and went on my way.

I am now 42 so it is renewal time, and different AME is now requesting:

Standard Spirometry AND Bronchial Reactivity Test as they were not done first time round... which I guess is fair enough.

I was able to have the Spirometry test completed free of charge at my GP's, but am wondering whether I can get a Bronchial Reactivity Test on the NHS or how much this would cost privately, and where to get it done (live in Leeds).

I am not clear why my original AME didn't request all of this. Not sure if these were required back in Jan 2013, but if not then guess any changes must be retrospective.


3rd Dec 2016, 08:05
The requirement for the more extensive assessment for those who are diagnosed with asthma was introduced in September 2012 but maybe not as enthusiastically embraced in the period immediately after that change as now is encouraged by regular CAA audits of AMEs.

The Bronchial Hyperactivity test can be in the format of the 6 minute free running test or the chemical challenge test, both are acceptable. The former can be done by an AME.

The latter only in hospital by a chest physician, the NHS is almost certainly not going to provide that for you.

8th Dec 2016, 17:43

Are there any AME's out there near Leeds willing to renew my Class 2 by offering a Bronchial Hyperactivity test in the format of the 6 minute free running test?

I have already had the medical, ECG and Spirometry, but am struggling now with where to go for the Bronchial test. My AME doesn't offer it and referred me to my GP but my GP won't refer me.
