View Full Version : Tax Accountant Recommendation

Amber Vibes
1st Dec 2016, 15:12
Does anyone have a recommendation for an accountant who specializes in expat pilot tax returns? Specifically for a US/Hong Kong tax situation.

Many thanks!

Amber Vibes
5th Dec 2016, 01:14
Over 800 views and not a single suggestion?

6th Dec 2016, 02:08
Contact Martin Kapp, CPA, EA. Located near KLAX and specializes in taxes for both Mariners and Pilots. Have used him for twenty years. I think his telephone number is 310-641-1040. You can also google him

Amber Vibes
6th Dec 2016, 04:10
Thank you, Bpp. I greatly appreciate the recommendation. Kind regards.

Amber Vibes
6th Dec 2016, 04:11
Thank you, Curtain Rod.

7th Dec 2016, 01:43
Check your messages.