View Full Version : AW109 down in the swiss/italian alps

Flying Bull
20th Nov 2016, 15:09

An AW109 crashed - possible due to bad weather, low cloud, fog and rain.
One passenger died, pilot and another passenger survived.
Ongoing investigation about negilent homicide.

Zwei Männer überleben praktisch unverletzt: Frau (?40) stirbt bei Absturz mit Schweizer Heli - Blick (http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/tessin/zwei-maenner-ueberleben-praktisch-unverletzt-frau-40-stirbt-bei-absturz-mit-schweizer-heli-id5784584.html)

N109W | www.dgualdo.it - "HeliNEWS" News Gathering Page (http://www.dgualdo.it/wpmain/?tag=n109w)


21st Nov 2016, 09:59


21st Nov 2016, 11:10
Hmm....Fog, Low Clouds, Rain........Businessman and Owner on Board......Passenger was an "enthusiastic heli pilot" herself.......

Just saying....

21st Nov 2016, 12:45
Hmm....Fog, Low Clouds, Rain........Businessman and Owner on Board......Passenger was an "enthusiastic heli pilot" herself.......

Just saying....

Well, the woman who died was not a pilot, just an aviation fan, I believe.

The owner (male) have a heli pilot license.

He survived another heli crash in 2010 in very similar conditions

21st Nov 2016, 12:46
And didn't learn the lessons?????

Flying Bull
21st Nov 2016, 13:05
there is a very very slight possibility, that a mechanical problem was the cause,
if you look through different A109 accidents....
Helicopter Safety | A109 (http://www.helicoptersafety.org/genericaccident.asp?ACType=A109)
Even so I would bet on the more likely cause....
looking through this page

21st Nov 2016, 16:31
Flying Bull, which mechanical cause are you referring to? I don't see any relevant common point of failure from your references.

21st Nov 2016, 18:52
I don't see any relevant common point of failure from your references.

The common point of failure is Cumulus Granitus jumping up to grab unsuspecting helicopters which are trying to hide in clouds, thereby smashing the airframe to tiny bits and pieces.

Flying Bull
21st Nov 2016, 19:00
Well nooby,

There arme some accidents due to different mechanical failures, like
Failing tailrotorblade
Wireing chaffed caused smoke in the cockpit
Blade Tip Cap Detached in flight
Forced landing into field after loss of power
Heavy landing due to tail rotor driveshaft failure
Tail rotor failure, followed by gearbox failure

So there are possibilities for mechanical failures, even so the chances are slim...