View Full Version : Better way to write notes and store theory?

17th Nov 2016, 04:01
Hey guys,

Just trying to find a more efficient way storing and accessing notes about various flying theory. Between countless A4 books and a bunch of microsoft word documents which have no real order to them apart from folders I assign them to.. I was wondering if anyone has a program or way to write/store notes that is more efficient in accessing and remembering them than my current way :}

Thanks in advance

Runaway Gun
17th Nov 2016, 06:43
Print out your notes, staple them into subjects. Read them often, highlight the areas you have trouble remembering, and keep reading them.
Repetition is the key.

17th Nov 2016, 06:56
Have you tried Evernote (http://evernote.com)? It has a notebook and note metaphor. You create notes and store them in notebooks. You can also tag notes with multiple tags. There is a free plan which might suit you and then various paid plans. Accessible by web browser, native apps on Mac, Windoze, iOS and Android. There is also a companion app called Scanable which runs on iOS and scans (photographs) documents into PDF and then straight into Evernote using tags, notebooks etc.

Alternatives: Microsoft One Note; Box.com (http://box.com) which has a note editor but not necessarily powerful like Evernote.

One other interesting and very powerful alternative is Confluence (https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence). It's a full blown Wiki and is so powerful in terms of structuring information, tagging, drawings...$10/month. Aussie designed and built.

Then you've got something like Voodoopad (https://plausible.coop/voodoopad/) for Mac and iOS.

Finally if you are a bit techie then there's things like Gollum (https://github.com/gollum/gollum/wiki) which is a Wiki that runs its own server on your machine and if you happen to have a Synology NAS they have a great notes application similar to Evernote.

There are lots of others.

Capn Bloggs
17th Nov 2016, 08:36
+1 for Evernote. You'll need one of the paid plans for offline notes, but it is good.

17th Nov 2016, 09:15
Try a mix of digital and scribbling on paper?
Like Bamboo ( http://www.wacom.com/en-us/products/smartpads/bamboo-spark ) or Livescribe ( https://www.livescribe.com/ )

20th Nov 2016, 00:00
I use and can reccommend Microsoft OneNote.

Does the trick - automatically sync's between my iPhone, iPad and laptop which makes it perfect for adding notes on the run so as not to forget and expanding the information at home on the laptop. Also a quick pic on the phone whilst something comes up in the aircraft and you have it there in the program straight away. I have a folder broken up into various sections (ECAM/Non normals, Airport info, SIM, Operational Data etc)

Everyone has something that works well for them - I just can't handle the misc pages of notes floating around everywhere - I like having it all in the one document tabbed out and easy to find!

Good luck!

20th Nov 2016, 00:18
Big fan of OneNote (full version) too. If one has already MS Office, no need to pay for anything else. And you would need to pay to get a comfortable and well working solution.

20th Nov 2016, 12:56
OneNote is a very good system of collecting notes and easily sorting into topic etc. Quick to add web clippings for relevant info etc.
I used to use Evernote also till their pricing model changed.

21st Nov 2016, 00:59
get a surface tablet, and with onenote, you have everything you need

23rd Nov 2016, 07:17
For those who want a legal copy of OneNote (https://www.onenote.com/download) for Mac or Windows.

YouTube OneNote tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h07qZLLQc4I).

Other tutorial options (https://www.google.com.au/search?site=&source=hp&q=onenote+tutorials&oq=onenote+tutorials&gs_l=hp.3..0l4j0i22i30k1l6.1929.7210.0.14015. 59.2412.2-10.10.0....0...1c.1.64.hp..0.17.2618...0i131k1.-28wjcFxZVA).