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View Full Version : Forum on Monday the 30th

puff m'call
1st Nov 2016, 10:37
Anyone there who can spill the beans in detail, I couldn't make it so just interested what excuses were being made about the appalling state of roster, bidding and leave.

Not to mention all the other points that require addressing:ugh:

Cheers all


2nd Nov 2016, 09:28
440+ had accepted the job offer
Yeah and how many showed up and how many will make it to the line

Plank Cap
2nd Nov 2016, 10:45
Yeah, and how many have resigned in the same time frame? Knowing this figure gives us a net pilot increase (or decrease!) number, the only relevant figure. This was the question I asked our leaders during the first (current style) forum back in January this year, but of course no answer was forthcoming. Perhaps too embarrassing....

Suffice to say that we were all then informed that pilot recruitment was blasting ahead so successfully that the roster issues would be addressed, and normality would return to life on the line by the middle of 2016. Well of course it hasn't. Nobody at the meeting believed it then, and nobody believes it now........

EK do yourself a favour, sort out your retention issues, and the recruitment issues will sort themselves out in turn.

3rd Nov 2016, 05:46
and stop treating pilots like complete idiots, with your clever little spin and skewed statements

6th Nov 2016, 16:43
Nobody went....

Only the thought makes me sick, getting myself to EGHQ to hear more bullsh!t.
Spending 1 outof 8 days off at work?
They should plan a day off for us to attend, if they take this serious.

I know....

24th Oct 2018, 13:52
What about all the pilots who have or are being disciplined? I have heard of so many guys being punished for the most ridiculous things.

24th Oct 2018, 17:02
What about all the pilots who have or are being disciplined? I have heard of so many guys being punished for the most ridiculous things.

I haven’t heard that, but considering some of the ridiculous ASRs I read, I believe it.