View Full Version : Tips for Memory Test?

24th Oct 2016, 14:15
Hi Guys,

I am really struggling with the memory tests.

Something along the lines of being given 4 quantities to memorize in 5 seconds. (and pressing random keys when the corresponding light illuminates)

For example..

Altitude: 20,000
Heading: 340 degrees
Speed: 220 knots
Frequency: 119.5mhz

I'm using pilotaptitudetest.com which has a handy application but how are you meant to get these units into your head in under 5 seconds and type them out while also hitting random keystrokes as they appear..

Thank you for your input !

28th Oct 2016, 18:15
Guys, anyone? Would really appreciate the help or a point in the right direction.

28th Oct 2016, 20:03
I know it's easy for me to say, but don't stress too much leading into these types of aptitude testing!

Try practising while driving in a car (abiding to the highway code of course) also practise practise practise!!!

Good Luck and No stress :cool:

29th Oct 2016, 09:58
There is no trick to it - you just got to remember as many as you can and note them down :)

Like the other guy said, don't worry about it so much. It's tough for everybody, and being stressed out just reduces your mental capacity.

The only "trick" you can use, is by not thinking of them as numbers. Remembering 4 numbers is hard, but try to replace them by things you know!

Heading 340 - Think of the airbus 340? Or think of it as NNW?
Speed 220 - Isn't that how much I paid for my speeding ticket last year?
Freq 119.5 - Hey, that's the ground frequency at airport xyz

That way, you're not remembering abstract numbers, but concepts that have meaning to you. Much easier!

But again, don't sweat it. You don't have to be amazing, just average :) And this one is tough for everybody!

29th Oct 2016, 12:22
It's just the same as read back. Guess what, you write it down in real life, relax. The flight school is going to take your money one way or another :ok:

29th Oct 2016, 18:42
Thank you all for your inputs, some good advice here. Will defo try with the word association trick.

Cheers guys.