View Full Version : Contract compliance and typhoons or disruptions

The Visionary
19th Oct 2016, 03:26
We've seem to have been giving a pass during these storms but we need to escalate CC. We are now getting more doom and gloom but still no negotiations for RPs or anything else. Jan 1 starts the new "improved" pass travel system which is rubbish. Man it's expensive to ID travel. The leave situation is getting worse too.

We keep asking on multiple forums but either get ignored or yelled at by these complete and utter idiots yet they still want out help, NO! No more.

What screw ups. Our non punitive punitive culture is a double standard. Guys are getting demoted and we have an 80% command failure rate but our airline is a disaster and getting worse every day. What hypocrisy! Those news letters from the fleet offices are just pathetic. Why is ANYONE communicating with them and tellng them anything? They WILL hang you! STOP IT!


Don't answer your phone
Don't use discretion
Show up at your rostered time
Call unfit if you are or expect to be. No more come back in 10 hours especially when you go from day to night, ie: 2p to 2a.!!!
Don't acknowledge roster changes
Take flight plan fuel
Wear your lanyard
Don't join check and training, quit check and training! It's a big ticket item that WILL get their attention.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD-GET OFF OF YAMMER. It's nonsense and they don't care.

We are getting nowhere anytime soon and we need to escalate things to get their attention.

Thanks for listening.

Arfur Dent
19th Oct 2016, 05:06
Yup! Nail on the head.

19th Oct 2016, 05:38
Where did this 96 hour reprieve come from? This urge to play by gentleman rules is completed wasted on the other side. 100% CC regardless! There is a big one due on Friday and the AOA should not announce another one sided amnesty.

19th Oct 2016, 06:43
I agree. Just like KB's "honour" contract. No more reprieves.

19th Oct 2016, 10:41
I'm all for good will, ... I'm all for fair play, ... I'm all for a WIN/WIN solution. I'm totally against the constant one sided nonsense that is thrust on us.

19th Oct 2016, 10:56
Well let's see how it all pans out tomorrow night and Friday!

otis cornbread
19th Oct 2016, 15:26
Wasn't the idea of this to show them the value of our good will? If this is the case then shouldn't we only give them every OTHER typhoon/disruption? One we help, the next we don't. So by my count, on this one we sit things out. I think this is the only way they will see the value of our good will.

19th Oct 2016, 23:50
AOA has to (since time began) say they will be there for the company during times such as typhoons mucking operations up. However nothing, NOTHING Changes on Friday or any other day.

You will NOT pick up the phone on a G/L DAY.
You will NOT send an email to the Fleet office to ask to be a Trainer - nor accept a training promotion within.
You will NOT go into Commanders Descretion because naturally you will feel tired.
