View Full Version : EK Training Bond

21st Sep 2016, 03:25
Passed Dubai assessment, waiting for class assignment. Anyone please shed light as to how aggressive EK is enforcing the 5 year training bond? Please, no moral/conduct opinions, simply asking about reality, if they truly enforce it, consequences, etc. Thank you.

21st Sep 2016, 09:10
You have read all the threads. Given how vicious EK are with pilots why do you think they won't? Interesting to note that you are prepared to move yet still looking at potential exit scenarios.

21st Sep 2016, 09:50
They'll try everything to get their money. If you want to do a run, make sure you never come back.

21st Sep 2016, 10:07
Like asking the priest on your wedding day how much is a divorce lawyer...

21st Sep 2016, 12:44
You will pay the bond if you chose to leave before the 5 years, or you can pay in life expectancy if you stay longer than 5 years.
Simple question, simple answer

21st Sep 2016, 15:40
If you leave early you will pay bond, if you stay you will never ever trust any one else. Pick your choice.

21st Sep 2016, 19:40
Getting back to the original question, they will never, ever let you off the bond. You can of course just skip the country and this has been done before. If you choose that way out make sure you do not, ever, come back to the UAE. Memories are long here and you WILL go to jail. If you continue flying for a living this can cause problems with the choice of alternates and diversion airports.

21st Sep 2016, 20:04
Just remember, the UAE has no concept of bankruptcy. The bond will be a debt on your name in the event that you leave before 5 years. If you can't pay or won't pay, you'll go to jail.

21st Sep 2016, 20:05
And remember they will recoup a lot of the bond by withholding your last paycheck, end of service benefit, and your provident fund contributions.

Deep and fast
22nd Sep 2016, 15:59
And five years was a significant reason for me not to apply. You keep your staff by good treatment now prison style bonds

Still, I guess they will never understand.

23rd Sep 2016, 21:48
"A mate of mine here 2 years tried to resign but couldn't afford what they asked him to pay back so had to withdraw his resignation and decline his job offer back home."


Uhhh....WHAT ?!?!?!?

24th Sep 2016, 01:30
Its actually longer than 5 years @ 45K USD as it only kicks in once you pass your first PPC. Training of new hires seems to be taking a bit longer than normal at present.

Its not just the training bond but also loans, car loans, accommodation allowance if opted out, credit cards, phone, etc. You need to clear ALL bills before you can leave.

A mate of mine here 2 years tried to resign but couldn't afford what they asked him to pay back so had to withdraw his resignation and decline his job offer back home.

If you opted out and resign you need to pay it all back ?
Lets say that you are 1 year receiving accomodation allowance you will need to pay back 172 ?

luvly jubbly
24th Sep 2016, 05:40
I've been here 2.5 years and what's accumulated in my provident fund cancels out what's outstanding on both my bond and the furnishing allowance.

But you only get a percentage of the provident fund until you have been here 7 years.
After 2.5 years you will get less than half the amount shown.


24th Sep 2016, 06:08
But you only get a percentage of the provident fund until you have been here 7 years.
After 2.5 years you will get less than half the amount shown.


Starting from 1 year and less than 5 years after joining the provident fund scheme ( that's 3 months after your DoJ if you joined EK post August 2009 ), you will get EOSB and 100% of B account.
From 5 years in the scheme, you will be entitled to 75% of A and 100% of B.
From 7 years in the scheme, 100% of A&B

24th Sep 2016, 07:10
My training bond specifically states that both A & B will be used to offset the outstanding amount which has been confirmed to me by my leaving co-ordinator. If I was to stay, I would get none of my A before 5 years and all of my B. After that it's as AMEX specified.

You are correct, I just checked the Provident Scheme FAQ again . I ll edit my previous post therefore.
Very odd, I had the best of EOSB or 50% of A in mind from 3 to 5 years. My mistake.