View Full Version : Trying to get to HK/China - Advice Needed

18th Sep 2016, 14:49

I am still fairly new to this particular forum and so I hope that this is the right place to post. My predicament places me in a bit of an unusual spot, and thus I require some words of advice from those who are wiser and knows aviation in Asia more than I.

What I am trying to do is to move to Hong Kong (permanently) within the next year or two. The reasons are personal, and non-career related, but ideally, I would like to try and keep my aviation career somewhat intact for stability reasons. My biggest problem is that my options are limited based on my experience.

I am a pilot with close to 2000 hours with an ATPL from Canada. I also have an HK ID (non-permanent), and can speak fluent Cantonese. I tried applying for the usual suspected job postings ranging from being an SO at CX, to non-type rated jobs at hke and hka. Not a word or whisper back unfortunately. The largest aircraft I have flown is the Beech 1900D, which I suppose doesn't help my case either. I have tried getting some larger turboprop time here as well, but have ended up hitting the brick wall getting into the few regional airlines in my country :ugh:.

So, it feels as though I am at a bit of an impasse :{. What kind of things would you do if you were in my shoes?

Some things I have considered doing:

Dropping everything in a year and just coming to HK first
Going for non-flying related positions at the local airlines
Writing a letter to apply instead of the usual online application
Buying a type rating? (Not sure if this is even wise, but vs having 0 time on type, it may be something to consider)
Accept a career change

HK isn't my only option, but I do wish to be at least in the area. I am also impartial to the types of flying available, so long as I can make a living to get by.

Anyways, I would appreciate any advice to be had. I seriously need a mentor, but don't know where to turn.

18th Sep 2016, 21:25
Keep on at dragon air and CX , if you continue to pester them they may give you a look
Other than that, I could suggest trying the government flying services, or approach several of the bus jet operators based in HK and see what they can offer

19th Sep 2016, 11:01
Email cathay and say you are passing through on holida . You may get an interview that way

20th Sep 2016, 01:51

Not being funny, but some of the new hires at CX have absolutely zero experience and zero interest in flying and seem to get in the door here pretty easily.

Surely someone with your passion and experience would be a shoe in for CX, or at the very least would be on the short list to give you an interview.

20th Sep 2016, 06:37
just email cx for the SO TT entry or get more hrs before you apply KA DEFO. Contact HKE for a possible interview and keep trying HKA...even though I don't think you meet the requirements for HKA non-rated FO. Try Air Macau if you don't mind working there, good luck!