View Full Version : Pushback Hand Signals

14th Sep 2016, 13:30
Good day,

Can't seem to locate a Cockpit (Flight Deck nowadays..?) to Ground 'cleared to push' hand signal.

Seems we used to use thumbs pointed to the rear with movement of arm(s) backwards too - I thought surely there is something in writing, piece of cake. No such luck.....

Assistance? :ugh:

Thanks in advance.

14th Sep 2016, 15:04
I've only ever seen flight deck use 'brakes release' (ie clenched fist to open hand) signal to indicate pushback is permitted. However, this is used in combination with the push-back crew listening to ATC.

15th Sep 2016, 11:44
https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjzqaaHpZHPAhXnDcAKHc4qDeQQFggjMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.icao.int%2FMeetings%2Fanconf12%2FDocume nt%2520Archive%2Fan02_cons%255B1%255D.pdf&usg=AFQjCNE3h8d2EMw57g1cANy7sXx1eumUrQ&bvm=bv.132653024,d.ZGg&cad=rja

18th Sep 2016, 12:08
Thanks much for your inputs. Greatly appreciated!