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View Full Version : CTC AQC "outsider" success rate

13th Sep 2016, 13:36
Hi Folks,

A simple question - has anyone here recently completed the CTC AQC as an external candidate (i.e. already holding a CPL/MEIR via another school) and had success in finding a job?

I've completed all my training (including MCC/JOC) and I've been eyeing this AQC as CTC have historical links to many airlines. I've phoned CTC and the gentleman on the other end told me how wonderful everything is and how everyone gets a job etc (i.e. typical sales guff). When I asked for actual data he was very cagey, but told me that he did the course and it was great (I thought about asking then why was he answering phones, but that might be construed as rude).

I'm fully aware that CTC are only interested in the cash and that as an external person that I would be placed in their tertiary hold pool (behind their own integrated and modulars). I've also heard unsubstantiated rumours that the hold pools are reasonable empty at current time and their partner airlines are suffering from a lack of crews. Hence, by wearing my most optimistic spectacles, my thoughts are that chances for someone in my position are reasonable (or, more reasonable than they have been).

Has anyone trodden this path recently?

13th Sep 2016, 19:11
A guy I know did that course and had to wait for like 4 years to get a job. Now he is flying the A320 in Aegean.

Is it worth it? Maybe, because this guy got a job in a proper airline, though I dont know the exact costs what he had to pay for his rating.

21st Sep 2016, 15:24
i'd be interested to hear from anyone who been successful like that gfunc

bali to cali
21st Sep 2016, 19:36
I did the AQC late 2014 and although unsuccessful myself my flying partner, who didn't train at all with CTC, started working with easy 9 months later.

It's definitely an option.

21st Sep 2016, 19:56
Just curious in which way were you unsuccessful?

22nd Sep 2016, 07:43
4 years to get a job!!!!???... I expecte to get a job when paying this big amount of money within 6 months, otherwise I find it a waste of money...

bali to cali
29th Sep 2016, 12:27
I was marked down on a couple of flight details which meant I was ineligible for a position in the ATP holding pool

Bloated Stomach
29th Sep 2016, 14:34
I wouldn't advise anybody to pay CTC for their AQC programme. You may get placed but one thing is certain, you will wait a very very long time. In my case, I was in the AQC database for over 3 years and got placed recently. CTC's practices are very vague and nothing is transparent.

29th Sep 2016, 19:05
CPL partner I had was swimming for 3 years before being told he wouldn't get any further with CTC

13th Oct 2016, 19:24
Hello All,

Long time reader, giving my two cents. There will be an article written about this course on a Aviation magazine(UK), with real stories of people cheated by this scheme. Watch this space and in the meantime, avoid at All costs.

14th Oct 2016, 23:17
I would be surprised if large reputable organisations 'cheat'. They have far too much to lose!

15th Oct 2016, 10:07

Officer Kite
16th Oct 2016, 14:42
Debatable :E

Bloated Stomach
16th Oct 2016, 18:48
I didn't do it heard too many stories of people swimming for years but also the ones that do well on the course do get easy.

I'm sorry but that isn't true. I was in the ATP database for over 3 years and a placement with easyJet was nothing to do with your performance on the AQC. We were conned in believing that a placement with easyJet was available. It never was and never will be.

17th Oct 2016, 12:56
Sorry I am confused,

I know 4 people now personally who have completed the AQC and have been in the hold pool and based on their performance have landed into easyJet. So not sure what you mean Bloated.? Not challenging you but just wanted more clarity on what you are saying....

As I understand doing the course, will allow you get opportunities which quite frankly aren't available to all. you will then have to perform on selection and hope you succeed.

This performance is in your hand.... I guess doing the AQC is another way to get their approval and allowing them to support you and get you into a selection

Without it - years will simply pass.

2nd Nov 2016, 10:34
Hey guys

Friend of mine who just finished his AQC got a position with EZY recently. He's a modular, only AQC with CTC, anyway a good reason to try.

Have a question : I was unsuccessful at my assessment day cause I failed the PILAPT, but I'm allowed to reaply within 6 months. I was wondering if any of you or if you know anyone who had the same situation.
I'm suppose to reapply in February but I have no idea how to proceed. Very hard to wait that long but I'm sure it worth the shot.
Many thanks