View Full Version : DLR Hamburg 2nd time.

7th Sep 2016, 08:05
Hi everyone

Has anyone passed ( or has knowledge of someone who passed ) a second run at the DLR, after having failed it before?


7th Sep 2016, 21:13
I was able to pass the DLR test for Lufthansa, but I do not know anyone from my group who failed it and got a second try. As far as I know, that is generally not possible.

8th Sep 2016, 07:05
This has happened several times in the past. It was possible to attempt the DLR multiple times, albeit for different companies. A failure in one attempt used to be a killer item only for the company who sent the applicant there.

E. G. Apply for LH ab-initio, go to the DLR, fail the second step, go to flight school at ones own expenses, then apply to CLH, go to the DLR again and, if the test was passed, be hired.

8th Sep 2016, 09:35
That's right. A failed test for an ab-initio program does not exclude the applicant from any Ready Entry - test which is done after a self sponsored flight training.
But a failed DLR test for the ab-initio program by Condor does actually exclude you from the DLR test for Lufthansas ab-initio program for example, it's different if you do it the other way round. I could imagine that it's similar for the Ready Entry tests, it's basically airline specific. So it's clever to look how the different airlines that hire with the DLR test handle that and to then choose the order of your applications wisely.

11th Sep 2016, 18:49
You can fail the DLR also as ready entry and do it again for another airline and pass then. I did the DLR, passed first time, but met guys that failed it 1-2 times already and were invited again and passed. So please tell me the sense of this, keeping in mind its a standarized test and you can fail it several times and pass afterwards??

12th Sep 2016, 16:05
Generally speaking.You can apply twice. As an ab-initio for one of the programms or as a ready entry. After that you are not able to apply anymore even after you may have collected some hours somewhere else...

this is the fact for Lufthansa, Condor and Tuifly...or at least used to be..