View Full Version : Article "Cockpit Crisis" about pilot error in jet transports

6th Sep 2016, 13:39
Well worth reading especially for new pilot recruits going for airline interviews.

Cockpit crisis - Macleans.ca (http://www.macleans.ca/news/world/cockpit-crisis/)

3 Holer
6th Sep 2016, 21:38
That was 5 years ago. Have things changed since then?

7th Sep 2016, 01:24
But overhauling flight management systems is easier said than done. All-new planes are rare in the industry, and even when they do get made, as with Boeing’s new 787 and Airbus’s A380, there is significant pressure on manufacturers to make sure new models will integrate with airlines’ existing fleets, and the pilot-training programs created for them.

Here lies a little sleeping issue. Airlines don't want to spend money on new aircraft that require totally new endorsements. As a result new technology is rarely incorporated into aircraft. What happpens then is 'new aircraft' are really using technology and design that is 10-20+ years old.

Hence why the 737 Max will be using 1950's Technology and the A320 Neo 1980's.

If hypothetically there was no grandfathering rules in place I think you will find that the rate of change in cockpit design and technology would be greater.

The issue of full stalls in the sim has been resolved - see the article in aviation week on Alaskan Airlines. Once again though you have to pay money for that.

7th Sep 2016, 05:00
Sadly, nothing's gonna change until the various layers of middle managers sold on the fallacy of enhanced outcomes through automation are removed from their ivory towers.
Appropriate automation that enhances SA and allows for timely and accurate decision making is the real reason behind enhanced outcomes, nothing more or less need be said.
Then again, what would I know....I'm just a driver :ooh:

7th Sep 2016, 13:41
Then again, what would I know....I'm just a driver

How I hate that hackneyed phrase:ugh: Meaningless drivel..

7th Sep 2016, 14:13
Excuse me Cent for expressing what many of us still in the industry feel about the drive towards increased and pervasive automation dependency, drivel perhaps...meaningless certainly not, and that includes a healthy dose of sarcasm and cynicism.