View Full Version : Flying with IBS

30th Aug 2016, 12:23
First thing, sorry if this is in the wrong section. I am not sure where a rather odd question like this goes!

I am due to fly on Friday, my first flight in many years. The reason being I have IBS and I get very little warning before needing the toilet. Im comfortable once the plane is in the air etc, but the stress/pressure of not being able to have access to a toilet during the belts on phase (take off/landing) is not helpful!

If I am sat in the back row aisle seat and suffer an attack during take off and landing, I would need to use the toilet within 2 minutes. It's unlikely but possible and unfortunately unavoidable. How would that scenario play out? I don't want to end up arrested for getting out of my seat! Would the cabin crew let me use the toilet (at my own risk of course)

31st Aug 2016, 21:35
not being able to have access to a toilet during the belts on phaseso it's more in your head than in your bowel, isn't it.... but that's not helpful advice, so I would suggest:
Don't focus on the seatbelts-on phase; there might be other moments whit no toilet available. If it's a 'by bus' boarding, and you've to wait 15min. somewhere in the middle of the airfield, getting out and running around on the airfield looking for a loo, will get you arrested...
Just in case you've not yet used them before:
- look closely at your 'diet' at least a day of 2 before
- take an Otilonium Bromide based medicine (like Spasmomen) from at least the night before the flight
- have a Loperamide based (instant' medicine (Imodium Instants) on hand during the 'critical' phases
- relax!!! If you're already now so focused on 'seatbelts on' horror scenarios, the simple fact of the 'seatbelt on sign' lighting up unexpectedly (in-flight turbulence), will be enough to trigger the IBS...
But first & foremost, when in doubt, consult your GP; read the patient info leaflet, etc.

The Flying Stool
31st Aug 2016, 22:02
You've given 'spotters corner' a whole new meaning! :yuk::p

1st Sep 2016, 19:24
Well from a medical viewpoint, it gave your nickname a whole new meaning....:ooh:

2nd Sep 2016, 11:57
My wife is an IBS sufferer, and on a Kenya Airways flight, she was in the loo for the landing!. Lovely flight attendant who used common sense and bent the rules to suit the situation.

longer ron
2nd Sep 2016, 15:02
when in doubt, consult your GP

Not always a very useful bit of advice LOL
I went to my GP a couple of years ago because I had almost constant indigestion and other 'side effects' - his answer ''take gaviscon''.
I then repeated to him that I never get indigestion - ''take gaviscon'' he says !

So I goes away and sits and thinks about it (sometimes I sits and thinks - sometimes I just sits :))
I came to the conclusion that it was food intolerance,so I cut out gluten which had an almost immediate effect !
When I was younger I could eat anything but as I have aged then I have obviously become sensitive to some foods (not just gluten but it can be nasty stuff :hmm: ) - I have even had to cut back on Co-op choccy peanuts :eek: