View Full Version : China background check

29th Aug 2016, 21:10
Hey guys. How in depth do they go for the interviews in China? Will I need to bring college transcripts and stuff like that? It seems pretty light since I haven't seen anything about providing any in depth information other than names.

31st Aug 2016, 01:59
So show up fly the sim and try and pass the crazy medical? Do they care about degrees like everybody here? Still working on it but wouldn't mind making some $$ while doing it.

31st Aug 2016, 06:48
You need to bring official proof not having a criminal record.
Everything after that is done in China by the Chinese.

31st Aug 2016, 07:54
You won't need it for the interview. Later on you will need the criminal report in order to get your Crew Pass (Airline ID Badge). Normally phase 1 is Interview, medical, ATPL test. Phase 2 is CAAC Check. Phase 3 is start class and bring with you the criminal report. The time from Phase 1 to phase 3 can be as fast as 4 to 5 months or as long or longer than 1 year depending upon the airline, CAAC, Relationships and how many Red envelopes are exchanged.

31st Aug 2016, 08:05
Would you have to stay in China through the whole process? I'd hate to be sat hanging around for up to a year in a hotel room.

1st Sep 2016, 03:31
Do they care about degrees? Need to finish mine up and could use the cash from there to finish.

3rd Sep 2016, 02:01
No they don't. You need to provide the highest degrees you have obtained. High school will do.