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View Full Version : Sacked Cathay pilots go to Hong Kong labour tribunal

2nd Jul 2002, 11:45
(Agence France-Presse) A group of Cathay Pacific Airways pilots who were fired last year have lodged formal complaints against the Hong Kong-based airline with the labour tribunal, their union said.
The 21 were putting forward claims against Cathy Pacific that they were dismissed "unreasonably and as a result of their union membership and union activity," the Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association (HKAOA) said in a statement.
The airline has breached the labour ordinance, which includes protecting employees form victimisation as a result of union membership, it said.
The 21 claimants were among 49 pilots Cathay sacked last year.
"These cases are an appalling reflection of the management culture at Cathay Pacific, where (the management subscribes) to a turn of the century colonial mentality that believes employees can be mistreated and bullied at will," said HKAOA general secretary John Findlay.
Meanwhile, other sacked pilots were pursuing legal action against Cathay in the United States, Britian and Australia.
Cathay spokesmen was unavailable for comment.
The airline said earlier that the dismissals were not connected to any particular offence but because the airline had "lost confidence" in the sacked staff.
Cathay also denied then that the sackings were linked to union membership and said the actions were legal in Hong Kong and in accordance with contracts.
But the carrier has acknowledged the timing was prompted by the pilots' decision to begin a work-to-rule campaign, after the airline and the union failed to resolve a dispute over rostering, pay and benefits.