View Full Version : Canadair water bomber very very low pass

20th Aug 2016, 12:54
Saw a photo of this a few days ago and thought it was photo-shopped as it was extremely low. Then I saw this!

VIDEO Canadair water bomber very very low pass in south of France could have been dramatic to spotters | AIRLIVE.net (http://www.airlive.net/video-canadair-water-bombers-very-very-low-pass-in-south-of-france/)

20th Aug 2016, 14:59
Yep - definitely no photoshop involved there! :p

joy ride
21st Aug 2016, 06:54
I stopped the video at 1.07, that spectator is just a little bit closer than he might have expected! However, I would call that a landing (watering?) rather than a pass! I like this Vickers VC10 low pass:


21st Aug 2016, 07:04
A few years ago we were on holiday in Samos (Greek island, but only just off Turkey, very quiet). Very hot, and a couple of days after we got there a wildfire started up in the hills. They must have called out every waterbomber and helicopter in the Aegean, and at 8am one morning the whole lot whizzed over our hotel, picked up water in the harbour, went and dropped it in the hills, rinse and repeat. For 3 days, dawn till dusk. One in particular seemed to delight in just how low he could get above the rooftops....... and to see four in line astern diving on the water in the harbour going one way as the ferries came in the other was quite something.
Also, as we taxied to leave on the Sunday we passed a Sikorsky Sky hook sat right in the middle of the runway, I remember thinking "I hope they're going to shift that before we set off."
All respect to the firefighter pilots, some job.

21st Aug 2016, 11:33
The amazing thing to me, apart from the guardian angel keeping the man in the white tee-shirt several inches (or cm's) to the left of the aircraft, was that the person filming didn't seem to be phased by how close a large object was to them AND carried on tracking the aircraft without a concern for mr white tee-shirt!!!!

21st Aug 2016, 13:14
Don't see what's so unusual; that's the 'standard' way they pick up water.

21st Aug 2016, 15:15
@chevvron - you don't see what's so unusual?! Strange reply.

21st Aug 2016, 22:45
Two problems with the second aircraft:
* 2 bystanders could have been killed, the white t-shirt guy and the individual on the bike
* botched up approach (I've the impression he 'falls through' just before the trees) and landing (3 bounces - first hitting the water hard, pulling lots of elevator just before). This should have been "tea, no biscuits" for this guy. Even without the bystanders, less than 6 feet from hitting the concrete road, which forms a 10+ feet high ridge at that position. All this in strong, gusty wind conditions on a lake shore...


22nd Aug 2016, 06:39
After the first CL-415 touches down, the photographer zooms in on it, and then appears to keep the same zoom setting while tracking the approach of the second aircraft.

So the view of the latter is both magnified and foreshortened. While it's clearly closer than the first one, it's not quite as close to the spectators as you might think.

22nd Aug 2016, 06:45
Looks pretty darn close to me!


22nd Aug 2016, 08:39
Ah, that's the photo I saw I thought had been photo-shopped. How it didn't clip that wall with its keel I don't know.

24th Aug 2016, 21:33
The second aircraft touched down rather close to the shore - wouldn't it be sensible to run a few more seconds out to ensure water depth and avoiding scooping up/running over some poor unsuspecting swimmer?

24th Aug 2016, 22:18
Forget the swimmers (which should have cleared the area beforehand, anyway)... Have you've seen those 2 guys who are completely in the shadow of the wing (and fuselage)?? And with the sun more or less in the acft's axis... so forget about camera zoom effects, also no important sideways oblique angle of the shadow projection. These guys were within less than half a wingspan from the fuselage, with the keel of the plane lower than an adults head height. A very clooooose call....

25th Aug 2016, 00:55
DIBO, I did see those of course, but they too should have cleared the area beforehand. If you're in the (temp) undershoot you take your chances, but I think a NOTAM seems unlikely. Or chuck in a bit of old fashioned common sense, forget the camera phone and bugger off to a suitable viewing area.

In Turkey a few years ago I enjoyed watching these machines in action against a hillside fire; something I didn't think I'd ever see. Possibly the same aircraft batch which were delivered by the Ice Pilots to Turkey of which one got belly landed by mistake by the Turks during training hey.

25th Aug 2016, 12:43
Two problems with the second aircraft:
* 2 bystanders could have been killed, the white t-shirt guy and the individual on the bike
* botched up approach (I've the impression he 'falls through' just before the trees) and landing (3 bounces - first hitting the water hard, pulling lots of elevator just before). This should have been "tea, no biscuits" for this guy. Even without the bystanders, less than 6 feet from hitting the concrete road, which forms a 10+ feet high ridge at that position. All this in strong, gusty wind conditions on a lake shore...


I concure, botched up approach, not much control at the end of it.
And amazingly, reading the "official" answer to that event, straight from the Sécurité Civile, it's like nothing happen! We are the best... Unbelievable!
Vidéo de Villeneuve-de-la-Raho : "Si le Canadair touche quelqu'un, de nombreuses vies sont en jeu", réagit la Sécurité civile - Lindépendant.fr (http://www.lindependant.fr/2016/08/16/video-de-villeneuve-de-la-raho-si-le-canadair-touche-quelqu-un-de-nombreuses-vies-sont-en-jeu-reagit-la-securite-civile,2243996.php) (sorry, link in French)

25th Aug 2016, 13:38
I think some of t he posters here stopped watching after the first aircraft. Hint: watch the second one!

29th Aug 2017, 19:45
I think the thread title still applies and.. certainly the last post on the first incident, especially the: Hint: watch the second one!


29th Aug 2017, 21:21
That's not going to buff out ...


31st Aug 2017, 15:37
Seaplane smashes into boat packed with tourists in France | Daily Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4840170/Seaplane-smashes-boat-packed-tourists.html)
