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View Full Version : Flying School for New British students

17th Aug 2016, 23:33
Hello Everyone.
I was wondering could you all help me and point me in the right direction. I am currently studying a degree at university and after I finish it I would like to go on an fulfil my dream of becoming a commercial pilot, I only have a slight problem...

I have been looking at the schools and CAE oxford has came up time and time again and has very good stats from what the websites say but I suppose they aren't going to be negative about there own business. I have taken a brief look at the opinions of other who have attended the school and have mixed thoughts on the school. CTC wings have also popped up a lot but I haven't really looked into them as much as CAE was recommended by a personal friend. I don't mind moving to the USA if needs be for the duration and leaving friends and family but needs must.

I have a lot of time on my hands as its the summer and I have a part time job so if anyone could expand and help me on it that would be great.

Thanks :)

18th Aug 2016, 09:08
There are two distinct ways to train - modular and integrated, part time and full time if you like. Both ways have advantages and disadvantages.

Secondly, there are three 'big' schools in Europe; Oxford, CTC, and FTE Jerez. CTC probably has the edge in terms of employment prospects. There are lots of others; AFTA in Cork, Aeros in England to name just a few. Check out the wings alliance if you are interested in modular, it has a list of schools that you can mix and match for the different parts of your training.

As you've said, you have plenty of time on your hands so start doing lots & lots & lots of research, most of the answers to your questions are already out there.