View Full Version : Thought on the eternal OASC / AIB questions

1st Jul 2002, 21:33
Would it be worth having a post locked in position (like Chinook still hitting back) at the top of this forum marked "OASC Advice" - with it then containing a statement such as "many people have asked for OASC advice here, try searching under these links" or alternatively have everyone put all their advice into one thread, which can be kept up permanently? It would seem to make more sense than people always posting asking for advice and then being told "go search young man" - if after that they still have questions then they can post away.

just my 2p worth...

2nd Jul 2002, 06:07
Perhaps if such folk lack the initiative to conduct a search, they are not the sort who we would want in any case...........?

2nd Jul 2002, 18:48
Agree with Beagle. 5 yrs ago I was a similar position as most of the OASC enquirers. I'm not sure PPrune even existed then and I certainly didn't have access if it did. How did I pass and end up flying for a living? A bit of common sense and initiative. I am very shocked that guys with flying schol. and UAS experience need to be lead by the hand to pass OASC.

3rd Jul 2002, 09:01
Perhaps a seperate forum could be created? Admitedly the question 'how did we manage before all this technology appeared?' does rear it's head.

However, is it not helpful and healthy that those in need of advice have a source that can be tapped easily?

well that's my two pence,


Decision Altitude
3rd Jul 2002, 13:28
I agree that initiative is vital and the search facility on PPRune is excellent. However, it would save peeps getting under the feet of the Military Forum by asking the question if a seperate forum was formed or certainly an FAQ.

In that case, only those who wanted to would have to read Wannabee type postings as I appreciate it must get pretty dull for those not directly involved.

Perhaps a sticky topic within either this or the Wannabee forum would do the trick as it seems to me that as more and more people get the PPRune bug, the more they naturally stumble across this forum.

That was my € worth ;)