View Full Version : 2nd hand market: Mustang vs. CJ/CJ1

16th Aug 2016, 01:10
Quite curious what the advantages of the Mustang are over the CJ and CJ1's on the market given that the pricing points aren't that far apart and from all the operating costs and performance data I can find online seems to show that the CJ's will outperform the Mustang for only a little extra fixed and variable operating costs.

Is there an issue with avionics in the older CJ's that incur extra expense over the G1000's installed in the Mustangs or other maintenance costs/issues that make the Mustang a more attractive aircraft to own and operate?

Miles Magister
16th Aug 2016, 16:53
I do not know specifics about either types you mentioned but quite a few of the older jets avionics could be unable to accept the ADSB and CDPLC upgrades so check this out before making your decision as these avionics are mandated for the near future. Also check on the RNP capability of the FMS and avionics.