View Full Version : Extension of Robinson 12 year Life

valve guide
12th Aug 2016, 06:30
I have been talking with the guys at Star Trade Heli and they inform me that by placing a Robbie on the Austrian register, it is permissible to fly past the 12 years calendar life (not the 2200 hours) but for private use only. The only items which this does not apply to are the MR and TR blades which still fall under the calendar/2200 rule. So if a machine has 12 years and 1700 hours but say had the blades replaced and they have 3 years and 300 hours left, you can fly the machine for another 3 years or 300. I've queried this with them and they are adamant that it is correct with several machines already doing this. Just wondered if anyone had heard of this and what the general views (without the usual Robbie bashing) were? Thanks.

12th Aug 2016, 07:34

for the record I'm a 66 owner/pilot, and will without doubt find myself out of years before I'm out of hours. However, I'd not take the chance. For me, the OEM defines (and has approved) the TBO schedules and its done for a reason.

I recently attended the RHC Safety Course with Tim Tucker and found it really informative. He did spend some time explaining how some of the operating limitations were arrived at - there is a lot of science to it, and there were a number of factors that I would not necessarily have thought to be involved.

Its your life up there, so I guess it would be your call, but I wouldn't fly outside the manufacturer's TBO any more than I'd fly unapproved manoeuvres.

BTW I thoroughly recommend the RHC Safety Course!


valve guide
12th Aug 2016, 08:11
Hi FF yes I too have been on the course and actually flown with Tim Tucker...great experience. I just wanted a general consensus of opinion as to what people thought about this and indeed if anyone knew anyone doing it. I'm sure there is a great deal of science goes into these things and as an engineer myself I do know how important these things are but on the other hand, they have extended the life on the r44 cadet and whilst this operates at reduced mauw, so have a great deal of conventional 44's. Its a great pity all the "science" they use wasn't better directed at their blades eh? I've flown a 66, awesome machine. I wish you safe flying and thanks for your input. VG

love flying
12th Aug 2016, 09:19
There was an article on it in RotorTorque (http://helipaddy.com/blog/2015/11/16/robinson-safety-course) recently

12th Aug 2016, 10:16
Why not have the 12 year inspection rather than the complete overhaul ?
Similar to the Austrian setup, but at least the parts have been inspected, rather than risk something going bang at altitude!

12th Aug 2016, 10:30
If only they lasted 12 years.

13th Aug 2016, 17:19
I wonder what your insurance company would think? They will use any excuse not to pay out. If you did not disclose this info to them you may not be covered.