View Full Version : MH370: possible personal effects on Madagascar beach

9th Aug 2016, 13:38
MH-370 (http://aircrashsupportgroupaustralia.weebly.com/mh-370.html)

Of course they could be just washed up stuff from anywhere although a lot of bags and handbags.

9th Aug 2016, 14:21
I suspect that if you looked for long enough you could find stuff like that on thousands of beaches worldwide.

17th Aug 2016, 11:32
Are you in denial it's obvious these items washed ashore in Madagascar are from MH370 which crashed into the Indian Ocean 'on purpose' by the pilot who had personal issues but the Malaysian authorities don't want anyone to really know the truth as its a cover up by them to save face especially as the Malaysians are so corrupt.

As long as the Malaysian authorities continue like this we will never really know the truth regarding flight MH370.

17th Aug 2016, 13:07
Until a found item can be positively identified as being from MH370, by having an indelible, identifiable tag attached, that identifies it as the personal belongings of one of the MH370 passengers or crew - then the items pictured, are merely typical of the regularly-discarded flotsam and jetsam floating in all of the Oceans surrounding Asia.

Remember that there have been two major tsunamis and several smaller ones throughout Asia in this century - and tsunamis produce a huge amount of flotsam and jetsam comprising everyday personal effects.

The items pictured are little different to the flotsam and jetsam that I found beachcombing the Cocos-Keeling islands for 3 weeks, some 13-14 mths ago.
The bulk of it, was discarded or unwanted personal items that floated in from Indonesia and Malaysia.

18th Aug 2016, 08:22
from MH370 which crashed into the Indian Ocean 'on purpose' by the pilot who had personal issues

Ah, case solved! No need for any more searching for debris then.

19th Aug 2016, 01:51
On a related note, someone on Reddit linked to this document today, apparently from August 15th:


That shows a number of pieces of probable MH370 debris which I hadn't seen mentioned before. Interestingly, most of the identifiable debris seems to have come from the right wing.

19th Aug 2016, 15:55