View Full Version : Phenom 300

2nd Aug 2016, 00:15
One of these went of the runway as KSGR last week. The fuselage separted from the wing! Has anyone ever seen something like this?
Check out the picture at Plane skids into creek at Sugar Land Airport | khou.com (http://www.khou.com/news/local/plane-skids-into-creek-at-sugar-land-airport/281781229)

2nd Aug 2016, 20:18
kinda works like this: the wing is attached to the fuselage with 4 ''dog-bone' shaped tie-rods. The point of rupture is carefully calculated by the engineers so that the wing absorbs the majority of the crash impact force and then the dog bones break so that the nose of the fuselage absorbs the impact of whatever speed there was left.