View Full Version : FTE Jerez

29th Jul 2016, 09:17

I'm wondering if i'm the only one here who's been turned down by FTE simply because i'm from Africa..

They said they can't help African students get visas and cut off communication.

Anyone experienced something similar?

31st Jul 2016, 22:18
If the marketing department is busy, then what can be gained with discussions which will lead nowhere without you obtaining a Spanish visa, and finance in the first place.?

What other EU schools have you tried?

Are there no African schools which are suitable?

1st Aug 2016, 23:23
FTE have quite a few non-European students currently studying with them.

When did you contact them? If it's towards the end of the month they may be in the middle of assessments, a busy time for them. You can expect a delay in responses at this time.

Find a way to sort out your own visa and try them again. They're generally quite helpful.

Also, make sure to sit the assessment to ensure you'll be accepted even if you do get a visa.