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View Full Version : DH.88 Comet : search for tech.doc

27th Jul 2016, 08:00
hello everyone, I am passionate about aviation history and more from the period 1920-1940. I also practice the model making and modeling of devices. Today I want to revive the DH.88 Comet in the X-Plane simulator (Laminar Research). But it is impossible to find technical information about this rare aircraft. If you have technical notes, manuals and charts about DH.88, would you share with me to help this project? Already, I send you a big thank you.

27th Jul 2016, 10:47

I have a book that has all the details you need.

De Havilland the golden years 1919-1939

Published by pic transport press
Quadrant House
The Quadrant
Sutton Surrey SM2 5AS
Published in 1981

ISBN 0 617003327



27th Jul 2016, 12:37
Welcome to the Forum..............

Indeed "de Havilland The Golden Years 1919 - 1939" will provide some excellent information. Another book "DH88 The Story of the de Havilland's Racing Comets" would also be worth consulting.

28th Jul 2016, 11:39
Thanks for this references. From France, this books must be imported by my bookseller and they are a little bit expensive... I will search again on Internet and compile informations before thinking a purchase.

Thanks again for your help. :ok:
(i love this forum :D)

29th Jul 2016, 13:45
Jeff,maybe your local library may have/obtain a copy; I know you are in Fr.,but they may have a system...
ed.There also maybe some information if you search the `Flight Global` archives over the appropriate time period.....

29th Jul 2016, 19:18
Thanks for this references. From France, this books must be imported by my bookseller and they are a little bit expensive...

Well not really. In the case of the first book you can get one yourself for £2.97 (plus postage) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Havilland-Golden-1919-1939-international-special/dp/0617003327

The second book, for some unaccountable reason is much more expensive... https://www.amazon.co.uk/DH88-Story-Havillands-Racing-Comets/dp/0911139028/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469819534&sr=1-1&keywords=DH88+The+Story+of+the+de+Havilland%27s+Racing+Comet

29th Jul 2016, 22:09
You can find a few copies through Abebooks too, just ignore the ones with silly prices... Dh 88 by Ogilvy - AbeBooks (http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=ogilvy&sts=t&tn=dh.88)