View Full Version : ATPL course difficulty

20th Jul 2016, 15:15
Hello one and all

I am due to start a full-time ATPL course in the next six months, and i am pretty nervous to say the least.

I was just wondering from those who have done it, how difficult is it in comparison to GCSE's? I was also wondering how much time should be spent in the evenings studying, but i suppose that is subjective.

Appreciate any encouraging (but honest!) words.



20th Jul 2016, 17:19
Just above GCSE, but a lot of it.

Consistency is the key - a couple of hours a day is better than 8 on one day.


20th Jul 2016, 20:43
I've also started recently and finding it harder than I expected to be honest. As has already been said get up to speed with your maths.

I find myself in class 9-5 and then spend on average about 4 hours every night studying. That is probably more than most, but it comes easier to some than others.

If you want any more info just pm me.

20th Jul 2016, 21:14
High volume, low grade material

5 GCSE (including Maths, Physics, English) & 2 A levels

This would indicate that you have sufficient 'grey matter' to cope.

Bear in mind that first time, good passes, are a good indication to any prospective employer.

21st Jul 2016, 08:50
As a above, High Volume Low grade! If you got an A in your GCSE maths or have studied maths at A level then you have nothing to worry about regarding the maths side of the ATPLs. If you don't have the grades from school then yes, you will have to put in some extra time with the maths!

21st Jul 2016, 12:18
Study every spare moment you have! You should be making sacrifices to study.

Nothing worth having comes easy....

22nd Jul 2016, 19:39
None of it's particularly hard, there's just a lot of it in some subjects, I spent 50% of my time learning stuff, and 50% learning which 'wrong' answers were required in order to get the answer that EASA are looking for. A 6 month course is designed to get a group of people through the exams, which means it will slow you down if you're a fast learner (with willpower)!