View Full Version : Why regular 'Irregularities' in Contrails?

12th Jul 2016, 20:39
Having seen many contrails over 'Wallasey', they all seem to have a regular continuous rhythm in their dispersal. Some have more than one 'frequency' present; with a quick pattern (every ~3 seconds) and a slower (maybe every mile) disturbance.
Are these patterns something to do with regular alterations of the servo elevator trims, or are they due to some natural phenomena ?

( Maybe they are caused by 'Vortex Shedding' ?)

If weather conditions improve, I will try to post some pictures.

Piltdown Man
12th Jul 2016, 22:09
I'll stick my neck out and discount trim movement. To my knowledge they only move when there is a need to alter the trim. Which therefore leaves Mother Nature (or physics). There is probably a maximum speed that a vortex can spin at and once that is exceed it breaks up, hence the breaks.


(or it's just the dregs of the chem tanks)

13th Jul 2016, 08:21
Some cretins believe the 'doughnuts on a string' effect to be something clandestine; I think it's just wake vortex.

13th Jul 2016, 11:05
Oh no! What have you started?

Capt Fathom
13th Jul 2016, 12:50
Chemtrail Malfunction?

16th Jul 2016, 06:40
See following links. Probably every contrail variant has been discussed.

Hybrid Contrails - Contrail Science » Contrail Science (http://contrailscience.com/hybrid-contrails-a-new-classification/)


Contrail Science (http://contrailscience.com/)




Crow Instability is one that seems to freak out the chemtrail believers.





19th Jul 2016, 10:16
Thanks for your comprehensive reply TEEEJ.

It's nice to know S.C.Crow researched this, way back in 1970.

It appears that the regular patterns are caused by the cyclic interaction of the Port and Starboard wing-tip vortexes. ( I was thinking that it was an airflow disturbance caused by the fuselage.)

19th Jul 2016, 10:56
Sherry Shriner Orgone Blasters Fight Back Against Aliens, UFOs, Chemtrails, Night Terrors, ELF (http://www.orgoneblasters.com)

Still my favourite chemtrail site.

19th Jul 2016, 11:43
Look you can't keep claiming this is fiction - the cat is now out of the bag to the point where they proudly displayed their chem-trailer at Farnborough last week:


As you can clearly see, they even sprayed the crow to keep them calm in the traffic when leaving the show...



29th Jul 2016, 20:49
What crow?

joy ride
2nd Aug 2016, 06:24
I saw an interesting trail right across the sky over Southwark a couple of days ago, coming from a twin jet engine airliner at about 30,000ft. The trail from one engine was continuous, the other had produced a regular series of spheres, the gaps between them being about the diameter of two spheres. I joked that perhaps it was only firing on one cylinder! Any ideas what might have caused that?