View Full Version : Knee Pain, why?

28th Jun 2002, 20:22
Ok, so I'm a student flying Cessnas (172s). After about 45 minutes to an hour of flying I start getting this EXTREME pain in my left knee when I try to use the left rudder... I did smack it REALLY hard a few months ago, but thought nothing of it after the immediate pain went away. When I get out of the plane and straighten my leg and put all my weight on it, it feels a lot better. I tried just straightening it out in midflight (have the instructor take the controls, scoot back, and stretch out) but this doesn't help.

Does this sound like the result of the injury? Arthritus? (I'm only 21 years old...) or could I be orientating my leg the wrong way when using the rudder? I know my kneecaps are a little cockeyed when I am sitting (they both face the outside a little), would that be the problem?

Love to hear opinions or from anyone else that has this problem.

Thnx in advance!

29th Jun 2002, 01:41
Hi, You sound as if you have a similar condition that I had.
I was getting pain in my knee (funny old thing, twas the left one also) it was worse at rest, I couldnt sleep the pain was so bad.
Analgesia and anti-inflammatories did not work.

I was at work and bent down, when I stood up I couldnt lift my foot off the floor - was in agony and had to drag it. It eventually got a bit better but I went to A&E and saw 2 doctors who told me to rest it and see my GP.
I thought it was my cartilage.
I went straight to see my GP - fortunately for me, I have private healthcare cover otherwise I would have had to go through the system and try exercise, see a Physiotherapist, more exercise and then see an Orthopaedic surgeon, then if deemed appropriate, go on the waiting list for surgery!
I rang the Consultant and saw him the following day, he also thought it was my cartilage, that's why the painkillers dont work, there is no blood supply to the cartilage.
I had an Arthroscopy the following day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems it wasnt a torn Meniscus (cartilage), but following an injury at sometime, the end of the femur had grown back jagged.
This jagged bone was catching on the cartilage causing the pain.
The bone had to be shaved to become smooth again.
One night in hospital, 2 weeks off work and lots of exercise and it's as good as new!
Oh and I have 2 very small scars on my knee.

29th Jun 2002, 19:51
and you can still get a 1st class medical right?

That sounds a lot better than my friend who is trying to tell me I have arthritus, which I doubt cause it would hurt more than just after 45 mins on a plane!

By GP you mean general practicioner? (sp?)


29th Jun 2002, 20:23
They told me it could be Arthritis, boy was I scared, as you have had an injury it does sound the same problem as mine was.
Dunno about the Class 1, I'm a medical person, not a pilot, but after surgery there is usually no problem, to make it heal faster one has to do lots of exercise.
Yes GP is General Practitioner, mine is great.
Good Luck, Jan