View Full Version : Pigs can't fly

28th Jun 2002, 08:07
From AP:

"Northwest Airlines is backing away from an earlier decision to grant a Vietnamese potbellied pig flying rights equal to those of small dogs and cats.

Northwest now says the pig named Pork Chop must ride with luggage and other animals in stowage below the passenger cabin - even if she is a star.

Pork Chop is part of a Michigan woman's ventriloquism act. Alicia Dacoba and her pig are scheduled to tape an appearance on the Fox series "30 Seconds to Fame" next month.

Dacoba says the pig has never caused any problems during flights in the passenger cabin. She rides in a special container designed to fit under airline seats.

An airline spokeswoman says the airline is merely enforcing a rule it had previously bent to accommodate Pork Chop."

28th Jun 2002, 12:35
Didn't US Airways have some sort of incident with a pig a while ago? The porker took the galley apart and then decided to go for a cockpit visit....

28th Jun 2002, 15:31
Open clb, this would be it, from an ABC News report in 2000:

"An embarrassed US Airways is promising it will never again allow barnyard animals onto its flights after a 300-pound hog accompanied 200 human passengers on a six-hour flight from Philadelphia to Seattle on Oct. 17.

“We can confirm that the pig traveled, and we can confirm that it will never happen again,” US Airways spokesman David Castelveter said. “Let me stress that. It will never happen again.”

Sources familiar with the incident told the Philadelphia Daily News for Friday’s editions that the pig’s owners convinced the airline that the animal was a “therapeutic companion pet,” like a guide dog for the blind.

The pig was traveling with two unidentified women, one in her 30s, the other a senior citizen. An internal US Airways incident report said the owners claimed they had a doctor’s note that allowed them to fly with the animal. US Airways and Federal Aviation Administration rules allow passengers to fly with service animals.

“According to the Philadelphia agent who talked to the passenger over phone … passenger described pig as being 13 pounds, so based on this info, authorization was given,” the report stated. Passengers on the flight told the Daily News the pig actually weighed several hundred pounds.

The pig, which spent the flight in the first row of first class, went ape when the aircraft taxied into Seattle, according to the report. It reportedly ran lose through the aircraft, squealing loudly, and even tried to enter the cockpit.

“Many people on board the aircraft were quite upset that there was a large uncontrollable pig on board, especially those in the first-class cabin,” the incident report stated. The pig made it off the plane but continued to squeal in the Seattle airport.

“Once the pig was off aircraft, another passenger had to push while the two women pulled to get it in the elevator. The whole time, the pig was squealing so loudly everyone in the terminal heard it,” according to the report.

FAA officials in Seattle said they were unfamiliar with the incident. They promised to investigate."

Squealing Pig
21st Oct 2004, 22:15
this pig flies !

22nd Oct 2004, 06:15
Ironically, its chances of flying well into the future are better than US Airways'!