View Full Version : Interview with medical restriction

17th May 2016, 15:37
After a long battle I have finally got my medical back. I will require a functional hearing assessment every year as I have lost a bit of hearing in one of my ears.

I am wondering how this would be viewed when it comes to recruitment? Will they look at my medical and just think it's not worth the hassle.

Anyone with any experience on this matter and would like to share, would be of great help to me.


18th May 2016, 12:41
The problem that anyone with a medical restriction has is that they are competing against hundreds of applicants who do not have a restriction so why should the operator hire someone with a restriction? This is especially true if you have low hours.

If you’re experienced with a valid type rating and a couple thousand hours or more then that should stand you in good stead especially if you only lost your medical recently, for a short period of time and you’re in recent flying practice.

Failing that if you have a network of friends that fly and can recommend you for jobs that are not widely advertised and subjected to such stiff competition or you can seek employment with an operator in a non flying capacity ie cabin crew, engineering, dispatch etc and get to know the recruiters within the company and make a good name for yourself.

Best wishes and good luck with your search

19th May 2016, 20:18
Appreciate your response, thanks.

Unfortunately I am a low hour pilot which will make it that bit more difficult.

20th May 2016, 12:14
You're welcome, I'm sorry that I was not able to offer more positive or supportive advice but you might have to be a bit creative to load the dice a bit more in your favour.

There are airlines that have recruited cadet pilots from within their ranks including (but not limited to) Jet2, Easyjet, Monarch and Thomson, Flybe used to take internally recruited cadets but they have recently handed cadet recruitment to CTC so I am not sure if they do still accept internal recruits.