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16th May 2016, 10:32
Applications open:

FTE | Selection Process (http://ftejerez.com/selection/?company=BACityFlyer)

19th May 2016, 15:20
I'm gonna give this a shot and see how things go. :)

19th May 2016, 15:58
Just applied as well! Anyone submitted the questions yet? :)

19th May 2016, 17:50
Good luck EZY :ok:

20th May 2016, 09:10
Thanks wonder88 :), and I submitted them last night austriandummie!

20th May 2016, 22:26
Good luck!! :) Just submitted them as well. Do you think they'll wait until they've received all applications or update us earlier on our application status?

22nd May 2016, 11:53
Yeah I think they'll wait until the window closes. It makes sense to do that, since not everyone will be fully flexible with the selection dates.

30th May 2016, 10:01
End of the deadline today! We might have some news by the end of the week. :-)

30th May 2016, 15:45
I think we'll hear back Thursday, Friday or even early next week. Good luck all!

4th Jun 2016, 18:24
Nope. Not heard anything yet and when logging in am still being taken to the questionnaire review page.

7th Jun 2016, 06:35
Has anyone heard anything back yet?

7th Jun 2016, 07:09
Nothing so far...!

7th Jun 2016, 12:50
I just got an invite to Phase 3 on the 22-6-16! Anyone else had any news?

7th Jun 2016, 13:05
21st for me! Chuffed to bits :)

7th Jun 2016, 13:16
20th for me. :)

7th Jun 2016, 13:21
No charge for the assessment either, take note CTC. ;)

7th Jun 2016, 15:26
22nd for me, good luck everyone!

8th Jun 2016, 01:10
:) rejected! Too much hours of flying! Keep with my modular path then...

8th Jun 2016, 08:56
Out of interest, how many hours do you have? I have 62 and have been invited. :/

8th Jun 2016, 09:09
Almost 100 hours studying distance learning ATPLs! Main problem: I am Spanish not British, but anyway it was just for trying as I don't fancy the idea of MPL at all. Good luck with your interview!

8th Jun 2016, 09:13
Assessment on the 20th.
I have 1 hour of flight experience.

8th Jun 2016, 10:57
From my experience, this is all they look for. As long as you've had a go at flying, then they know you have the motivation!

10th Jun 2016, 21:40
Hi All. First post on these boards.

I wasn't successful getting through to round 3 and was wondering if anyone knew of any good resources and/or had any hints for giving better responses to the questionnaire. I did not receive any personalized feedback from BACF or FTE. It was my first time applying for a MPL flight training program and so didn't really know what they were looking for.

My background:
- British Citizen and US Permanent Resident
- PhD and MEng in Aeronautics
- I currently work at NASA designing spacecraft
- FAA Private Pilot Certificate
- FAA Class I medical
- 250 hrs PIC / 60 hrs cross-country / 20 hrs night

Thanks in advance!

11th Jun 2016, 16:00
Damn. Not sure what to say. My suspicion is that is it's not the questionnaire, but the amount of hours you have. I bet they're looking for a maximum of 100 hours. Which is a shame in my opinion :/

12th Jun 2016, 02:46
Thanks Integrated and LiamW for your replies.

In my responses I did not include my total hours; only that I've held a FAA PPC since 2009 and have a FAA Class I medical valid through May 2017. So maybe not putting any hours at all was the problem? Could it be age? (I'm 35).

12th Jun 2016, 16:48
Thanks Integrated and LiamW for your replies.

In my responses I did not include my total hours; only that I've held a FAA PPC since 2009 and have a FAA Class I medical valid through May 2017. So maybe not putting any hours at all was the problem? Could it be age? (I'm 35).
In that case I have no idea. It could be anything, the questionnaire, age, etc. Like Integrated said, it may be worth phoning up and finding out. By the looks of things I think you'd have it easier going modular, since you already have more than 150 hours PIC, you can start your CPL straight away. Especially with that background!

On a different note, does anyone have their assessment on the 22nd? (Wednesday) It would be nice to talk before :)


13th Jun 2016, 18:13
In that case I'd call FTE and ask?

Just to follow up, this is what FTE said: Unfortunately we are unable to provide you with feedback for this part of the scheme, as we only receive overall scores for the questionnaires and we have not even received these yet. For this reason, I am not aware of your score for your answers nor do I know the minimum score in order to be invited for the assessment event. As we only receive an overall score, it is impossible for us to advice in regards to improving this part of the selection process.

Good luck to everyone going to the assessments next week!

16th Jun 2016, 10:13
Call up with a very sad voice and ask very nicely, you will likely get some feedback that way, worked for me !

17th Jun 2016, 20:10
Good luck to everyone ! I missed the boat on this one .

Was this a sponsored scheme by the airline?

Aki Al
19th Jun 2016, 09:34
Hey all,

I will be attending on the 21st. Am wondering it says to be there for 11:30, did everyone get the same slot?

19th Jun 2016, 17:36
Of sorts, yeah.

Still 85,000 gbp but guaranteed job at end, and type rating included

19th Jun 2016, 17:36
Good luck everyone this week! I'm going tomorrow (20th)

20th Jun 2016, 02:51
I start at 08:30 on the 21st. Best of luck to all this week, it's not been the easiest one to prepare for!

20th Jun 2016, 08:49
Well good luck to everyone today and tomorrow! I'm on wednesday at 8:30am. Looking forward to meeting a few people.

20th Jun 2016, 09:20
Still 85,000 gbp but guaranteed job at end, and type rating included

While I agree this scheme is a good one, it certainly does not guarantee you a job, nor does any cadet program with any airline. Read the t&c's carefully, I'm not trying to scaremonger, but just do not be under the false impression that you are guaranteed a job.

Aki Al
20th Jun 2016, 16:48
Good luck everyone this week! I'm going tomorrow (20th)
How did it go Scotwings? Any advice?

20th Jun 2016, 17:31
How was it today, Scot? Did they give any feedback straightaway?

21st Jun 2016, 00:46
Was an enjoyable day all in all. Apparently around 34 candidates are in this round. Day led by FTE - no involvement from Cityflyer yet. Friendly feel to the day!

Feedback to be given after everyone has been this week.

FTE will suggest to BA the candidates they feel will perform well in training. These people will have a final interview in July.

21st Jun 2016, 10:13
Sounds great! Thanks for the info too! I thought there would be more than 34 candidates. Looking forward to it tomorrow.

21st Jun 2016, 15:42
Interesting... only 34 of us... Nice job guys! Looking forward to tomorrow!

21st Jun 2016, 17:44
After today, my advice to you guys would be to take your time with the questions in the interview, and most importantly, DONT panic!

21st Jun 2016, 18:24
How was it overall? What were the age groups?

21st Jun 2016, 18:45
On Monday, all 6 of us were in the 20-25/26 age group

21st Jun 2016, 19:26
I thought there would be more than 34 candidates.
Likewise, but good to know as at least I don't feel so bad about not making it past the questionnaire now. Oh well, roll on BAFPP time...

21st Jun 2016, 21:34
I can't really give anything away, but I'd say the interview was what you'd expect.

22nd Jun 2016, 23:58
Today's the last day of phase 3 assessments. Best of luck to all those still to do their tests!

23rd Jun 2016, 20:46
Had a really nice time yesterday, hoping for the best. Good luck to all! Expecting to have an email late weekend?

23rd Jun 2016, 22:27
I don't think they'll get back to us at a weekend. Thurs/Fri next week I would guess.

24th Jun 2016, 00:11
I reckon it'll be early next week as the first day of phase 4 assessments is two weeks after.

24th Jun 2016, 17:22
Talking about the impact of Brexit on pilot jobs, since BA Cityflyer is based at LCY, this would probably be one of the first airlines to suffer from revenue losses. Another thing to watch now, when making a 100K GBP investment...

24th Jun 2016, 18:15
Yeah - i'm a little concerned about it myself. Would require some pretty concrete assurance before making the investment

29th Jun 2016, 13:18
Are the results out yet?

29th Jun 2016, 14:05
Nope, last year there was a week's notice between the Result of phase 3 and the invite to phase 4.

I'm hoping they aren't reconsidering their cadet needs in light of Brexit

29th Jun 2016, 15:15
Just so we're clear, you guys are being evaluated so that you get to:

- pay €107k worth of flight training (CAE)
- land a guaranteed job at cityjet afterwards


best of luck to you guys!

29th Jun 2016, 16:34
Simon from FTE said we should hear back this week.

29th Jun 2016, 17:10
Thanks for asking EZY

Jet Set Willie
29th Jun 2016, 19:43
Don't worry about BACF. Flights are a mixture of biz and leisure now so a good mix and still more new ac to arrive this year. More flying donw away from LCY at the weekend now at STN and in Scotland so more spread there as well. Yes the Euro rate has gone down, but so has everywhere else. Just be ready to be busy if you get in!!!!

29th Jun 2016, 20:10
Check your candidate areas, I have a new stage added but all it says is:

'Text interview accepted



Below is a map showing the location of Flybe HQ in Exeter. No email received.

Anyone else have something similar?

29th Jun 2016, 20:34
Yes, I have the same thing when I log in, they probably forgot to change the location and used a template they created for their FlyBE MPL.

29th Jun 2016, 20:45
Mine says nothing...

29th Jun 2016, 21:13
For me it's the same as EZY. Perhaps this is where the passes and not so lucky people get separated? Unless they have not finished with everyone's status yet. Either way, good luck to everyone..!

29th Jun 2016, 21:16
That's what they did with phase 3 I believe, hence why I think it isn't looking good...

1st Jul 2016, 10:25
Anyone heard from them yet? Was told everyone will find out before the weekend.

1st Jul 2016, 16:07
Nope. Not heard anything. It's also closing time now so I guess we won't hear back today..

1st Jul 2016, 16:20
Not heard anything either yet.

1st Jul 2016, 16:25
Same here..

1st Jul 2016, 18:59
Won't find out until early next week now, the airline didn't get back to the school today as expected. The final stage should now take place during the final week of July.

1st Jul 2016, 19:18
I guess this is good for people who haven't got what others have got in the application status then? Thanks for this information too. I'll be on holiday when I find out so the wait continues.

1st Jul 2016, 19:30
The status of my application has been erased yesterday.

1st Jul 2016, 19:32
They're waiting the answer from BA I guess, and we'll all know next week.

1st Jul 2016, 20:04
All those who had info on their page will find that the info has been erased, that was a glitch that occurred during an upgrade they carried out.

4th Jul 2016, 16:20
Any news? ..

4th Jul 2016, 19:41
The airline has shortlisted 15 candidates, but they only want to take 12 to the final stage. All info from FTE

7th Jul 2016, 00:19
Anyone had anything? Seems to be taking a while...

7th Jul 2016, 10:46
I was unsuccessful, best of luck to those still in the game

7th Jul 2016, 12:13
I'm out at this stage too. Disappointed, but happy to treat it as a learning experience that will better prepare me for the next application.

Good luck to those who made it through!

Came across this video today - made by CTC, but might be useful BA Cityflyer information for anyone getting a final interview.


7th Jul 2016, 13:10
Unsuccessful. I hoped that we would at least get feedback after this stage.. I definitely learned from it though and it was a great experience.

Good luck to those who are successful!

7th Jul 2016, 13:51
FTE are usually quite good at giving feedback on the assessments/interview that you did on the day.

Just give them a ring and ask! :)

7th Jul 2016, 15:21
Heading back to Didsbury in August :cool:

7th Jul 2016, 16:57
Rejected as well. This was my first experience of PILAPT, I guess I didn't do so well in that part :D Congrats to those who were successful.

11th Jul 2016, 14:52
Received some further feedback today from FTE after my rejection email last week. Nice touch, and an offer to discuss joining them as a whitetail cadet in 3 months time. Will have to think about it with other applications open right now too.

8th Aug 2016, 16:32
Got the good news this afternoon, absolutely ecstatic.

Anyone else starting 11th November?

8th Aug 2016, 17:33

Well done!

8th Aug 2016, 17:43
Got the good news this afternoon, absolutely ecstatic.

Anyone else starting 11th November?
Congratulations LandingConfig. Well deserved.

8th Aug 2016, 18:14
Congrats Config! I was starting to wonder what stage the remaining candidates were at, so good hearing the positive news. All the best for the course

8th Aug 2016, 18:29
Congratulations LandingConfig.

Assume no news today = bad news tomorrow :(

8th Aug 2016, 19:13
Thanks guys!

9th Aug 2016, 13:42
Not heard anything yet. Not expecting good news :(

9th Aug 2016, 13:46
Well done LandingConfig though

9th Aug 2016, 15:38
Ah. There we go. Unsuccessful. Still. Was my first try. Congratulations and good luck to those successful, I'll keep trying!

5th Jun 2017, 15:03
The program is back

FTE | Selection Process (http://www.ftejerez.com/selection/?company=BACityFlyer)

5th Jun 2017, 18:24
Would thoroughly recommend applying for this one! The assessment day was free of charge last year, and very well run, and although I was not successful, I feel it prepared me well for another cadet scheme application which I was successful in.

8th Jun 2017, 09:09
Hi all,
Does anyone know whether FTE have any partnerships where they can help you fund your flight training? I am led to believe BBVA has stopped offering there service, and unfortunately don't have £89,000 knocking around. If anyone could help that would be great before submitting my application.

8th Jun 2017, 13:45
As far as I know. FTE themselves won't help with the funding. I wouldn't be too concerned about the BBVA thing, people I've talked to at previous schemes have been able to get loans from High Street banks (often at better rates than BBVA)

Regardless. You're not financially committed until you sign at the end, so apart from some trips to Manchester there's nothing much to lose

9th Jun 2017, 10:47
Hi Luke

BBVA haven't stopped yet but they have just removed details from their website. If you are in a position to be able to obtain a secured loan, get in contact with them and ask the question (if BBVA are your preferred bank).

I emailed them a couple of days ago to see if they offered any form of unsecured loan (they don't) and they replied with the marketing email essentially.

13th Jun 2017, 13:41
Hey all. Does anyone have any useful links to study material for assessments in July? Presuming we're called that is :)

13th Jun 2017, 15:10
I've got a link to the FTE Jerez pre-test guidance material for the written tests somewhere. I'll find it.

As for the aptitude tests. There's a few websites, but really if you've got any kind of video gaming/flying experience whatsoever you should be fine.

13th Jun 2017, 15:14

That's the pack they send out for everyone successful into Stage 3. Most of its GCSE level maths. I still give it a look over every time though

16th Jun 2017, 21:14
Thanks for sharing the link, will start reading it now!

I have just sent my essay questions off, been writing them whilst on holiday in Barcelona! Hopefully being in Spain this week I might get lucky!

Good luck everyone :)

17th Jun 2017, 14:58
Sent mine off today. My second attempt at this one. Got to the final 12 last time. Hopefully second time's the charm

19th Jun 2017, 19:19
Hi all,

Has anyone heard from FTEJerez regarding their application after the questions stage?

FTE | Selection Process (http://www.ftejerez.com/selection/?company=BACityFlyer)

The link above leads to the candidate login http://www.ftejerez.com/selection/appStatus/BACityFlyer which I receive a 404 error for.

I tried emailing the [email protected] email address twice with no response.

19th Jun 2017, 21:46
The application window just closed yesterday so it will take a little while for the applications to be reviewed and outcome shared.

I wouldn't worry about it.

19th Jun 2017, 23:08
Even though the application window closed on the 18th, those who submitted an application that day will have three days to complete their essay questions, which implies you won't hear anything until the 22nd at the earliest.

20th Jun 2017, 01:31
Last year was 8 days between close of application and receiving news. I suspect we'll get some early next week.

20th Jun 2017, 01:35
Though the candidate area going down is weird. Maybe something went wrong when they removed the initial application page. We'll get emails as soon as there's news.

Also if you would be so kind as to share FTE's eventual reply that would be great

20th Jun 2017, 08:38
Some MPLs have 3 phases and others 4, but it took about two weeks to get a response from the 3 day application and the same amount of time to know if you've been accepted.

22nd Jun 2017, 16:19
Congrats everyone!
I've also had the good news, see you there...

23rd Jun 2017, 00:37
How many is it down to now do ye know?

23rd Jun 2017, 02:02
Last year I think it was 5-8 people per session @ 2 sessions a day for the 4 days. So between 40 and 64 ish. V. rough numbers though.

Given the volumes of people that apply - I've always thought of getting to an interview stage as at least a start towards success.

25th Jun 2017, 17:42
Did anyone save a copy of the website before it was taken off.

If not - can anyone remember how much the programme costs and if there was any details on the payment schedule?

25th Jun 2017, 18:12
£89K. Don't recall any details of the payment schedule.

25th Jun 2017, 19:47
89K, worth noticing that this is including the cost of accomodation

9th Jul 2017, 21:11
Good luck for tomorrow everyone - see some of you there!

10th Jul 2017, 12:26
Good luck to everyone over the next few days :) Do leave us know how it went for ye please!

20th Jul 2017, 11:44
Anyone heard anything?

20th Jul 2017, 12:18
Not yet, they said it would be Wednesday or Thursday this week so I'm on tenterhooks...

20th Jul 2017, 13:57
Ah okay. They told me Tuesday or Wednesday. So me too

20th Jul 2017, 14:56
Yeah... we were told Thursday so let's hope we find out today! Good luck :)

20th Jul 2017, 15:14
I think this happened last year. There was a delay in us finding out and so they pushed the stage 4 date back

20th Jul 2017, 17:40
Heard nothing either.

ten747 I assume you called them?

21st Jul 2017, 13:13
I got good news 5 minutes ago. Good luck guys.

Piloto Maluco
21st Jul 2017, 13:19
only british guys were given a chance?

21st Jul 2017, 13:42
I got good news 5 minutes ago. Good luck guys.

Good news also :)

21st Jul 2017, 14:44
Sadly I wasn't successful this time and I've contacted them asking for feedback.

Has anyone received a direct email with an offer of the self-sponsored route at Jerez? Or did we all receive a standard rejection email saying we couldn't be recommended for final selection?

21st Jul 2017, 15:00
Anyone else got the disappointment of a reserve list? Congrats to all who have gotten a phase 4 date!

21st Jul 2017, 15:39
Sadly I wasn't successful this time and I've contacted them asking for feedback.

Has anyone received a direct email with an offer of the self-sponsored route at Jerez? Or did we all receive a standard rejection email saying we couldn't be recommended for final selection?

Hey, yes I got an email saying I could take up a place on the AFOP programme but since I also met the criteria for the programme and school I am on a reserve list for a phase 4 interview... wish I just got an interview if I met it! Oh well!!:ugh:

21st Jul 2017, 19:02
I got the good news as well!
Can't believe it...

Now I need to do some hard thinking and planning, finding out that the likelihood of the base being Edinburgh has thrown a spanner in the works slightly - I'm sure I'll work something out, just means more £££!

Good luck to everyone else :)

1st Aug 2017, 08:47
Best of luck this week everyone :)

9th Aug 2017, 18:22
I got a phone call yesterday telling me I was accepted.

9th Aug 2017, 19:24
Congratulations! Very well deserved.

9th Aug 2017, 21:22
Congrats! Good luck with the training!

Sadly wasn't for me this time, maybe next time :)

9th Aug 2017, 23:14
Thanks guys. I hope you keep going. It's a great feeling. Stick with it

Has anyone else reading this been accepted?

10th Aug 2017, 14:44
Congrats everyone selected. Reserve list for myself which is a bit of a bummer. Will just have to keep at it.