View Full Version : Smartphone Boroscope

Genghis the Engineer
11th May 2016, 13:51
I just discovered by accident that these things exist, this appears to be the rolls-royce product...


I've not tried one, but thought I'd mention it as I'm pretty certain that now I know it exists (more basic ones come down to about £10 / $15 online) I shall almost certainly come up with a reason to buy one and I imagine that most other engineers with aircraft roles can think of a good reason to own a handy pocket sized boroscope.

Apologies if everybody knew about these already - but it was new to me.


11th May 2016, 20:40
I had a go on one of these last night. One of the lads brought it over to show me while I was doing a borescope on a 737.

As you'd expect from £20 optics, the picture quality is only just bearable.

It focuses pretty well up close (3-4"), any further than 6" and the picture is pretty poor.

Obviously there's no control over where it goes.

Pretty gimmicky overall, but it could help you find that dropped washer or read a part-number without removing cowlings.

Planet Basher
11th May 2016, 20:48
I got one of these and when it arrived I tested it on my rather compactly packaged motorcycle.

I was able to find a good number of the missing washers that had accumulated over the years and check the bores on my bang sticks.

As has been said, not the best optics but good enough unless you are doing "special interest " movies...........apparently.

12th May 2016, 08:23
You can get these chinacrackers from £4,99 direct or on eBay. It is a fun gadget, but unfortunately not good enough for a Cessna SID documentation, you need the £49,99 version for that ;-). And btw on Androids with USB most USB boroscopes work very well.

16th May 2016, 23:18
Thats now on my birthday wishlist. Thanks for the heads up Ghengis.

Genghis the Engineer
18th May 2016, 09:39
I succumbed and bought a £26 version - I'm struggling to get the software to behave at the moment, but this is an indication of what it'll do.

The subject is the bottom of an enormous old earthenware jar that used to belong to my late mother in law. I found all sorts of things that I suspect that my niece and nephew must have dropped in there when they were younger - I think that this is sewing threads (I also spotted a small fridge magnet and a pink smartie!). Apart from taping the camera to the end of a rod, I did nothing faintly clever with it.

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13241269_1162392527113116_5324987051522841175_n.jpg?oh=6bf9c f71c4ef0732e6c3545fc4c9b001&oe=579C3964


3rd Jun 2016, 08:42
Interesting stuff. Anyone got a recommendation for a boroscope that they really would consider useful for A/C inspection?

9th Jun 2016, 09:28
Had good results with a $42 USB scope from aircraftspruce (that they unfortunately no longer sells). Quite helpful for engine inspections (G41-11B document for the french), and Cessna SID (you can go check the inside of wings, horizontal plane, etc...)