View Full Version : Axe falls at CASA

29th Apr 2016, 10:35
The word about late today (Friday) is that at least two Senior Managers have been shown the door. Looks like there is some movement in the camp.

Lead Balloon
29th Apr 2016, 10:47
Translation of the "axe falls":

"A six or seven figure severance package was agreed on terms that included a promise from CASA to make a statement to the effect that the departing executive made an outstanding contribution to aviation safety in Australia and internationally, blah blah blah, cliche cliche etc etc..."

29th Apr 2016, 10:53
I don't mind if the reason given is: "They want to spend more time with their families." If the people blocking regulatory reform are paid a motza to leave, then that is money well spent.

29th Apr 2016, 11:03
Oh yes (yawn).
The phrase "Sacrificial Lambs" somehow comes to mind.
Then again, perhaps I'm being too cruel - Were they due to retire anyway?
Either way, we can count on robust statements from the Minister on how we're "moving forward", etc.

chimbu warrior
29th Apr 2016, 11:36
If the people blocking regulatory reform are paid a motza to leave, then that is money well spent.

Except that it is we (industry) that bear that cost, plus the cost of employing them for however long they were with CASA. Last time I looked, CASA staff (especially senior managers) are not cheap. Useless, but not cheap.

29th Apr 2016, 12:19
I hope they wisely invest their generous severance payout in learning to fly. They might then, finally, understand why the industry cannot abide by their activities. As well, I might finally be able to exact a price commensurate with the sum of my 53 years of frustrations with the regulator! happy days,

29th Apr 2016, 14:03
Its the wrong level to feel the axe.

29th Apr 2016, 15:31
At least one of them was/is a pilot, obviously didn't make much difference.
Being a pilot doesn't preclude you being an overbearing incompetent bureaucrat with attitude.
I would be more interested in the talk of an "Aviation Task Force" being formed in the Department of Infrastructure, with a couple of serious heavyweights already tagged for the exercise. I hope, against all reason and experience, that it is not just another "Yes, Minister" exercise.
Tootle pip!!

29th Apr 2016, 20:15
I wonder if they received
notice by fax at quarter to 5....

29th Apr 2016, 20:58
do tell :)

one isn't a certain ex sandpit person by any chance?

Lead Balloon
29th Apr 2016, 21:43
Please no, not another aviation task force. Could anyone be that stupid any more?

Perhaps it could also deal with the very fast train, the second Sydney airport, same sex marriage, aboriginal deaths in custody, the republic, constitutional recognition of aboriginal Australians, negative gearing, superannuation taxation, aboriginal disadvantage, homelessness, housing affordability, the ageing population, the deficit and every other issue that the stultifying mediocrities that have presumed the title 'government' over the last couple of decades feign interest in during the lead up to every election.

Oh - and get it to cure cancer too.

29th Apr 2016, 22:40
If the said Task Force does exist or is being formed we will, of course, be interested in its terms of reference. Rumour to date is it will be looking at the regulator. If so that may well be a good thing. Just depends how long they might take to deliberate?
I would suggest that all the answers are already on the table, just needs a leader or minister with the guts to make a decision or two.

Lead Balloon
29th Apr 2016, 23:03
Just depends how long they might take to deliberate?I'd make a wild guess and say the date of the election plus ... ooh ... 3 months. Translation: Forever.

Anyone who's been around the industry for a while and believes a 'task force' will change thing one in substance is a fool, and probably the worst kind of fool: an old one.

I wonder when Dick and Ben get their invitations ...

29th Apr 2016, 23:09
Usually in these "reorganisations" the good people get the axe first, or they resign first. The incompetents normally stay to the bitter end, having no where to go and fearful of competent people who can find them out.

Does anyone know the reputations of those who "left"? Are they, collectively, a loss to the aviation community?

29th Apr 2016, 23:17
Does anyone know the reputations of those who "left"? Are they, collectively, a loss to the aviation community?

NO. It was party time for some industry folk last night

30th Apr 2016, 00:32
Re "is that at least two Senior Managers have been shown the door"

Seeing that these people are paid from the industry 'public purse', why then are the names / positions not immediately available??

It IS 'our money' after all......

No cheers, NOPE, none at all.....:ugh::}

chimbu warrior
30th Apr 2016, 00:33
Its the wrong level to feel the axe.

Forget the axe. What CASA really needs is for someone to get in there with a chainsaw.

Lead Balloon
30th Apr 2016, 00:38
Forget the chainsaw.

Nuke the site from orbit.

Dangly Bits
30th Apr 2016, 01:45
So who was shown the door?

30th Apr 2016, 07:25
I was wondering who got the 3 new head of department jobs from the december - january recruitment. did they sack the two???:=

Old Akro
30th Apr 2016, 09:22
If you want to actually achieve real cultural change, its generally regarded that you need to change 1/3 of the senior / middle management.

Its always good to see someone get the A from CASA, but 2 guys will make nearly no difference.

I vote for the Nuke option.

30th Apr 2016, 12:41
Who was it that said Cantberra would make a lovely ruin.?
Make ground zero 16 Furzer St and things could get even better!

1 swallow aint a summer, 2 out the door do not a revolution make. Bet there are some hard core 'Iron Ringers' playing the bs bureaucracy game to maintain the status quo.

We need 2 things. Aviation House as rubble. The 1000 page FAA book of all things.

Pinky the pilot
30th Apr 2016, 12:58
Aviation House as rubble.

And make that rubble bounce a few times. Just to make sure!:E

30th Apr 2016, 13:08
What If...??

What if the two personnel who were 'retired / shown the door' were 'good guys' who did not agree with the way 'things' were going...??

What if..??

No cheers...:=

Duck Pilot
1st May 2016, 07:15
Rumour has it that's it's only the Com Car drivers that have take voluntary redundancies.

Don't believe all the propaganda on this website...

1st May 2016, 11:42
What If...??

But not the case this time:D

1st May 2016, 13:21
So, why the secret?

2nd May 2016, 10:10
This sort of thing needs to be subject to some formal announcement at some stage, however if one was to say Senior Managers in Engineering and Airspace, that might provide a clue?

Lead Balloon
2nd May 2016, 10:25
So the answer to kaz's question: "Why the secret?", is: "There is none, but everyone feels compelled to pretend that it's super-important and hush hush."


If Jonathan Aleck and Mike Mrdak are still in their jobs, all else in aviation regulation is irrelevant trivia.

3rd May 2016, 11:36
Its a rumour network folks.

Wally Mk2
3rd May 2016, 12:21

Frank Arouet
4th May 2016, 01:48
Did I hear someone mention Cromarty?

4th May 2016, 02:12
Frank, I've had it confirmed that he is one of them

4th May 2016, 02:36
Peter Cromarty leaves CASA - Australian Flying (http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/peter-cromarty-leaves-casa)

4th May 2016, 07:50
Yes i was told to expect further developments this afternoon. Apparently staff have neen presented with the new structure. Havent heard anything firm though