View Full Version : Access to course material early

28th Apr 2016, 13:55
Hello one and all.

I am due to be starting a full-time ATPL groundschool course towards the end of summer and i have been given early access to the subjects on the Ipad via PadPilot. I was wondering if it would be prudent to read all of the subject matters now or just read module 1 and get 'ahead of the game'. My module 1 subjects are; Gnav, POF, HPL & M&B.

Thanks in advance, guys.

Whiskey Hotel
28th Apr 2016, 22:20
It would be wise to start studying the material as early as possible. Out of the subjects you mentioned, M&B and HPL are quite straight forward, Gnav and POF are quite tricky and some people have difficulty grasping them. I'd recommend starting to read the POF book and get a sense of how the whole principle of flight actually works.

29th Apr 2016, 09:13
Thanks, WH. I was told that POF was the better book to read, as the teachers can show you a lot of how to do most of Gnav in the classroom.

Whiskey Hotel
29th Apr 2016, 19:11
That's right, I found Gnav was based on many principles that must be shown to you before you can properly grasp them. Maybe that was just me, but that's what I found anyway. POF is a big subject and content heavy so it would be good practice to start reading now and reduce the workload further down the line for yourself. Best of luck with them.

Genghis the Engineer
30th Apr 2016, 11:55
I don't know the level of your prior education, but can I suggest leading with PoF, AGK and Nav. M&B is relatively trivial as a subject, but that also would be useful as it's so maths based.

My reason for suggesting these is that they are the most science and maths based subjects, and in doing that you'll be giving yourself an early opportunity to identify and brush up in those subjects.

4th May 2016, 08:07
Thank you for all your replies. My maths level i would say is around a level C at GCSE. I don't find it the easiest subject in the world and i do have to work at it. I do find it quite an interesting subject, though. So, POF it is!