View Full Version : Typhoon on the grass at Coningsby...

Rhino power
23rd Apr 2016, 11:56
It seems a T.3 landed a bit short at Coningsby a couple of days ago, hit the grass, bounced, went round again and then finally landed using the brake chute...
(image credit on photo)
https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/13012817_1115361988516249_3954707820255533384_n.jpg?oh=9437f f640dda2f625a59c2037c529f8c&oe=57768F41


23rd Apr 2016, 13:25
Lucky no lip on the runway to take the u/c off

23rd Apr 2016, 15:16
If that's soil in the air, is it more likely to come from the wheels or the exhaust, or both together?

Minnie Burner
23rd Apr 2016, 15:52
So what....


NO Photoshopping here, just saying.

23rd Apr 2016, 16:04
Lucky no lip on the runway to take the u/c off

As happened to the Vulcan at Luqa in 1975, with tragic results. Didn't actually take the u/c off but drove it into the wing and started an uncontrollable fire.

air pig
23rd Apr 2016, 16:11
Rhino Power: In the words of Uncle Roger from Flight International "Late on the roundout again Hoskins"

23rd Apr 2016, 17:05
Jaguar was designed to do that, mind you it was needed as it took a runway and some to get airborne :O

23rd Apr 2016, 18:10
I wish I could find my photos of the Phantom hook-dents in the AM2 matting at Stanley. Who needs a set of 5 cables when you can just hook the end of the runway?

I must search the Attic.

24th Apr 2016, 21:06

Credit to Jack England via Facebook.

Rhino power
24th Apr 2016, 23:39
Well, I think, Mr Jack England's image clears up any questions about whether it did or didn't touch down on the grass! :ooh:


25th Apr 2016, 08:37
I don't see the problem ... One expects to 'Scarify' one's lawn this time of year ... He's just doing it with style ;)

25th Apr 2016, 11:03
Can I borrow that for the allotment?

25th Apr 2016, 11:26
"Lucky no lip on the runway to take the u/c off"

Could it be that MOD have finally adopted CAP 168/ICAO Annex 14 and got their heads around de-lethalisation?

25th Apr 2016, 12:03
Nothing wrong with the round out** (Should have gone to specsavers) The sign in the foreground says REPLACE ALL DIVOTS (Or it will now !!) Great Image
** Good round out;wrong place.
Looking at the runway markings on G-earth they give very little margin;so not surprising.

Rhino power
25th Apr 2016, 12:58
The crew inspecting their handy work...
(image credit & copyright, Jack England via facebook)


25th Apr 2016, 13:43
All together then chaps after 3 ... 1, 2, 3 ...

There I was, a-diggin' this 'ole
'Ole in the ground, so big and sort o' round it was
And there was I, diggin' it deep
It was flat at the bottom and the sides were steep
When along comes this bloke in a bowler
Which he lifted and scratched his 'ead
Woooh, he looked down the 'ole
Poor demented soul and he said ...


25th Apr 2016, 14:03
Did something similar solo in a JP at Fulbeck, and fortunately bounced over the lip.

25th Apr 2016, 14:17
Remember the Staish at CGY, during F4 times, who said "The next pilot to land in the undershoot will be fired" (or words to that effect). Guess who the next pilot was......

25th Apr 2016, 14:37
It's just the RAF trying a further expansion - this time showing they can take on the combat engineering role. Why risk a slow old 'dozer when you can dig those defilades at 250kts with a typhoon...


25th Apr 2016, 14:53
I do hope the Line Chief has a sense of humour and slaps one of these under the cockpit :E


25th Apr 2016, 19:19
I'm surprised there hasn't been an official press release from the RAF PR team.

I've been waiting to see 'Typhoon finally replaces Tornado as RAF mud mover'

25th Apr 2016, 23:16
With all respects to Wander00 (#17) I can trump his mere JP.

On the Vulcan OCU at Scampton, not only did I dig up some undershoot but I roasted and dispersed a very great deal of wheat on the way.

26th Apr 2016, 07:06
rlsb - I bow to your superior skill!

26th Apr 2016, 07:53
See your Vulcan and raise you a VC10K.

Fortunately I was only taxying at the time - the Navy had sent us down a narrow taxiway at Yeovilton (on the western side of RW04) which had a radius of curvature I couldn't quite manage.... But we didn't get stuck - just muddy! ILAFFT!!

My fault - but they did have the good grace to say "Sorry, we shouldn't have sent you that way...."

26th Apr 2016, 09:01
If that's soil in the air, is it more likely to come from the wheels or the exhaust, or both together? I think there may have been some more 'soil in the air' a bit further forward in the aircraft:E

26th Apr 2016, 09:16
rlsb, Beags - I'm out

26th Apr 2016, 10:34
My J-shaped twin-track plough of the grass at Helston International using HM's finest single-turbine powered rotary trainer stands out in my memory. EOLs never had the same appeal thereafter. I believe the scars in the turf have only just faded and are no longer visible on Google Earth some thirty six years on.

Still, the QHI in the RHS saw it as good preparation for his later gallantry. He was awarded the DSC for his work over Sir Galahad.

Union Jack
26th Apr 2016, 11:59
Still, the QHI in the RHS saw it as good preparation for his later gallantry. He was awarded the DSC for his work over Sir Galahad. AA

AA - Please see https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/49134/supplement/12838
