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View Full Version : Comed Aviation Blackpool.

3rd Mar 2001, 22:57
I am owed 149.00 NVQ .they rcvd the money last June but refuse to give me the money back,being that its tax relief money is there any legal way of getting the money back,,,I'd welcome any ideas.

3rd Mar 2001, 23:33
Legally, they have to give you the money back because it's not theirs. I think the flying school might be closing down so I don't know if you'll struggle though. Actually they might not be closing down at all I can't really remember.

Well I'm not much help am I.

4th Mar 2001, 01:06
How much of that did you pay? All the £149, or is that the part the revenue contributed? In a nutshell, they should pay you, unless its the proportion of cash the revenue contributed. You cannot actually receive this. The only way to effectively 'use' the money, is have it transferred to another school that was registered before the deadline. If that doesn't happen then the revenue will be the first in the queue to receive whats 'their'. Best to call Paul Blackwell at the Inland Revenue at Bootle, Liverpool office.

4th Mar 2001, 17:30
If that's Comed Blackpool I think they've gone bust.

5th Mar 2001, 02:18

Unfortunately it is Comed Blackpool. At present they are under receivership with their Bandits(Airline side) and single engine piston aircraft impounded. I have heard the flying club is trying to launch with three people interested as it is a workable proposition but when and if this will happen who knows ? If it does'nt I suppose the other flying clubs at Blackpool will prosper from Comed's old members. Lets hope it gets back on its feet one way or another.
If anyone has more up to date info please let us know.

7th Mar 2001, 03:04
thanks everyone...yeh looks like they bought the farm...I flew into Blackpool on sunday and one of their Bandits was actually "wheellocked"...The 149.00 was the 23% tax relief...NVQ..