View Full Version : FTEJerez assessment day prep

7th Apr 2016, 00:11
Hi all,

Before anyone comments, I'm
aware that there are many threads on this topic. None of them answer the question I have about some of the tests and how to prepare accordingly.

I went to the Aer Lingus assessment last year and did extremely well in everything bar the numerical reasoning paper. I had done the same set of assessments at the school directly before the FPP reopened and I found this single test to be an issue. To those who have attempted and passed the assessment, how would you recommend I prepare? I want to give myself the best possible chance of getting into the FPP this summer, and ensuring I'm covering all bases can only help. You can PM me if you wish.

7th Apr 2016, 08:58
I'd also be interested in some advice with reference to the numerical reasoning section of testing if anyone has any to give. I seemed to fall down on this one also :(

7th Apr 2016, 09:13
Hi EZY_FR & FlyVeryHigh,

I think you both make a strong claim, but without coming cross as an expert in this sort of thing, I believe the centre of interest comes down to the word "Reasoning". What I can only imagine with that test is, it would perhaps have multi choice answers! The key with this sort of tests is "time management" and this test will be stretching your inert numerical knowledge against a pressing time factor which would allow very limited time for calculating for a solution. So in brief, its a intuitive "logic" IMHO.

7th Apr 2016, 10:24
Check out your local library, there may be a career or skills improvement section, and within it will be books on numerical reasoning for interviews etcetera. These types of questions tend to be the same across the board, so it's worth checking out these books. :ok:

If you don't have access to a library, or prefer to use a piece of software, the numerical reasoning content supplied in the software by PilotAptitudeTest.com seems to get positive reviews from guys using it for CTC Aviation assessment, and the FTE Jerez assessment is exactly the same.

8th Apr 2016, 12:00
For the Numerical reasoning test I would suggest quickly skimming through the text you are given for each question and then as they are multiple choice it is very simple to eliminate two of the answers if you are not sure which one is right by looking bvack at the text.

I used PilotAptitudeTest.com and their section on numerical reasoning seemed to help although it is not identical to the test you will be given at FTE.

17th May 2016, 20:00
For the numerical reasoning tests you are allowed to use a calculator so learning formulae is very important.

30th May 2016, 12:04
Hi all,

I've just had a date come through for my Jerez assessment along with a pre assessment guide about the aptitude test

It looks quite physics heavy though - if anyone has done it before could you confirm whether physics and calculator stuff (ie trig etc) comes up?

Thanks :)

30th May 2016, 15:46
There is a lot of physics in the written tests!

30th May 2016, 16:32
What are the subjects in physics? Basic stuff or more like A level? I mean if you can give some examples that would be greatly appreciated :D
Thanks in advance !

30th May 2016, 17:41
Oh joys! Is it multiple choice with the physics and maths? I did my gcses about 10 years ago so I'll need to do some serious revision before July!

30th May 2016, 22:50
Just make sure your GCSE Physics is upto scratch, there is material in the tests that isn't covered in the guidance material.

1st Jun 2016, 13:55
If you fail an FTE assessment, is there a period of time that must elapse before you can sit another?

ahmed elsayed
6th Jun 2016, 11:58
From what I have been told you test is valid for 6months whether you fail or pass.

Does any have any tips for the different types of test. Is the Maths and Physics test multiple choice? Calculator needed? etc ect

8th Jun 2016, 15:53
To all those that have sat the FTE tests, what formulae do you recommend I learn for the Numerical Reasoning tests?

8th Jun 2016, 18:36
From what I have been told you test is valid for 6months whether you fail or pass.

Does that apply for the FPP.. so if you pass the assessment day a month before, you don't have to redo it for when the scheme is actually open?

11th Jun 2016, 18:23
Hi all the last time I attended the FTE assessment, the 1:1 involved reading a scenario and working out some maths in front of the interviewer and then giving your answer explaining the reasoning behind it. Has anyone been through a FTE assessment recently and has had a similar experience? Thanks

11th Jan 2017, 18:22
Hi everyone!

I have to retake the numerical and verbal reasoning test in FTE.
I'm looking for a good website/book where I can prepare these test the best way I can in order to pass the assessment. Something that is really similar than what they ask us in FTE. Does someone has an idea for me??

Thank you in advance! :)

2nd May 2017, 08:06
Hi, I was wondering about passing the assessment ! Does only the best "15" get to apply for FTE or does every one who has over some certain grade gets to apply ?


3rd May 2017, 09:20
I don't really know their cutoff, but everyone that goes to the assessments and passes gets offered a spot, it all depends on the available spots they have left for each course. They usually start each month. .