View Full Version : Why was this delated, many aviation professionals started this way, and it deserves a

21st Mar 2016, 01:50

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: A place in the sun
Age: 74
Posts: 330
Air Cadets
I hope the Mods will allow me to start a new thread in this section even though there is already one on this subject in the Military Aviation section. I do so because many of you who read Rumours & News may not read about military matters.

The UK Government is intending severely to cut the Air Cadet Squadrons (even though they are mainly run by volunteers) without regard to the many aviators who were inspired to follow an aviation career after having been introduced to the thrill of flying when still at school. I did one of these gliding courses at the age of 16 and then went on to a civil career in BOAC. And there are many more like me who did not join the RAF but joined civil airlines, became air traffic controllers, or entered other branches of aviation.

These courses are one of the best, and most cost-effective, ways of inspiring young people. Therefore I urge all those who have an interest in the health of British aviation to sign the petition in this link. Thank you.

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21st Mar 2016, 02:00
Thread title should read "Why was this deleted, many aviation professionals started this way, and it deserves a wider audience"

Why was this deleted ? ? many aviation professionals I have personal acquaintance of did indeed start this way, and it SURELY deserves a bigger audience.

Seriously though, my issue is with the fact it was moved to somewhere obscure., relatively speaking . .

For the avoidance of doubt/bias , I was never in the Air Cadets . . . as, when I was 18, I was much more concerned about having hair down to my shoulders than joining & having short back & sides, I have absolutely none now . . . so, good planning Eh ? my obsession / decision to look "Hippy" cost me therefore, & the opportunity to partake of "Gliding" /Aeros in "Chippies" /flights in Argosies etc etc . . . silly me, young twunt, was foregone. So, dear Mods, lets look after our potential aviation heritage a little bit ? ? & open this question concerning the future funding of "aviation enthusiasts/professionals" to all of us , please.

21st Mar 2016, 06:10
I've signed the petition. These are the sorts of experiences, along with far more important benefits such as disability living allowance, that should be maintained by a civilised government.

Many years ago I joined the Air Cadets for a few months. My abiding memory was pretending to play the fife in a marching band at a village fair. I regret leaving so soon, but I was more interested in playing sport.

21st Mar 2016, 08:53
This goes in parallel with the denegration of aviation enthusiasts, firstly as anoraks and more recently as a threat to security. Back in 1956 when I first took an interest, young people were encouraged to learn about aviation. This could and should still be the case within the tighter security rules. I joined the ATC at the youngest possible age, 13 years and 9 months. Apart from earning a lot about aviation I also learned to look after myself, learned discipline and had some good sporting experiences.

Whilst I did not take up a career in aviation, I have had a hobby for 60 years which has led to great friendships, given me something to occupy my free time when travelling around the world on business and, because of my knowledge, enabled me to found and run a successful company after redundancy at 41, providing conferences and seminars on a wide range of aviation topics in many countries which were so successful that I was able to retire at 51.

The ATC is to suffer because, just as in aviation and a host of other industries today, the UK government is more concerned to cut costs than looking at the benefits of the expenditure required. Penny wise, pound foolish springs to mind.