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View Full Version : Forced LandingMt Mulligan

20th Mar 2016, 06:08
another great effort to keep things intact.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10398099_918833728231515_4815287063621582759_n.jpg?oh=b9df34 f23f795a738650527a1da4b390&oe=5791A8DE

"This morning Rescue 510 was tasked by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority for a 'MAYDAY' call from a light aircraft, that suffered an engine failure during flight. The aircraft was tracked through its emergency beacon, and found along a small fence line North of Mount Mulligan, where the pilot had safely made an Emergency Landing. The 2 persons on board were luckily unharmed, and the aircraft in one piece. Rescue 471 also provided an over watch for the operation."

20th Mar 2016, 07:09
Nicely done! :)

Looks like a Jabiru?

"This morning Rescue 510 was tasked by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority for a 'MAYDAY' call from a light aircraft, that suffered an engine failure during flight. The aircraft was tracked through its emergency beacon, and found along a small fence line North of Mount Mulligan, where the pilot had safely made an Emergency Landing. The 2 persons on board were luckily unharmed, and the aircraft in one piece. Rescue 471 also provided an over watch for the operation."[/quote]

20th Mar 2016, 07:34

20th Mar 2016, 07:37
A "GREAT EFFORT" I would say, seeing the surrounding 'tiger country' and the view of the fence line....

Well Done that Man! (Person...just in case...)


20th Mar 2016, 10:05
No Tank. It isn't a Jabiru. It isn't, and wasn't, powered by Jabiru. It doesn't look like a Jabiru.
Jeez, I've had a gutful. I have thousands of hours in Jabs, including a couple of hours in the Victorian alps today.
I'd put a current Jab powerplant up against anything with a piston engine.

20th Mar 2016, 10:12
You have good eyesight R755, all I see is a small white high wing tricycle undercarriage lighty.
Not my area of expertise! ;)

Glad you like Jabs, wouldn't be able to pay me enough to fly through the Vic Alps in one. :)

No Tank. It isn't a Jabiru. It isn't, and wasn't, powered by Jabiru. It doesn't look like a Jabiru.
Jeez, I've had a gutful. I have thousands of hours in Jabs, including a couple of hours in the Victorian alps today.
I'd put a current Jab powerplant up against anything with a piston engine.

20th Mar 2016, 10:43
Ha ha, Tank. "small white high wing tricycle undercarriage lighty"

Obviously described an Airvan.....or a Tecnam.....or a CT.....or a tri-gear Maule.

It's ok. We all have our own ideas and judgements about the various types.

20th Mar 2016, 10:45
Well what is it then, please, R755?
I have no prejudice re Jabs, but it looks like one to me - from that pic.

20th Mar 2016, 10:52
Hearty congrats to the PIC.

20th Mar 2016, 10:58
In truth, I don't know. I just wanted to annoy Tankengine.... Te He te he

I think it might be a Foxcon Terrier. Note the wing tips and wing planform. That would indicate Suburu power.

Seagull V
21st Mar 2016, 05:35
Is this a dinkum photo? No shadow. On a an enlargement it looks like a rough Photoshop job.

21st Mar 2016, 05:59
I can see a shadow…..look closer.

le Pingouin
21st Mar 2016, 06:03
It's a JPEG so enlarging it sufficiently will always look bad.

21st Mar 2016, 08:33
So, at risk of annoying any more idiots, is it a Jabiru?

21st Mar 2016, 09:43
A simple search shows that the "incident" was only reported by 'Ultralights' on this thread.

A bit early for April 1st. :rolleyes:

21st Mar 2016, 10:12
Didn't look very far then did you Gerry - confirmed over at the congregation of the half-baked that it is a Terrier with a Subaru providing motivation - or not as the case may be.

21st Mar 2016, 10:25
How about a link then, Spinex?

I'm always happy to apologise when I'm wrong.

21st Mar 2016, 12:21

aparently the aircraft type is a Foxcon terrier.

21st Mar 2016, 13:21
Thanks 'Ultralights' for providing the link.

I sincerely apologise for doubting your word.

(Note to myself: Always first check fac#book..) :yuk:

22nd Mar 2016, 12:40
Thanks Ultralights.


aparently the aircraft type is a Foxcon terrier.

22nd Mar 2016, 13:02
UL, where did you glean that? Maybe I am not well connected :ooh:

22nd Mar 2016, 13:45
Jaba, Please reread the last few contributions on this thread!

It's apparently from one of those fac#book thingies that our youngest children get so enamoured with. :yuk:

22nd Mar 2016, 20:42
Dunno that I'd be quite so ready to dismiss up to date info from the likes of the local rescue base. Farcebook has moved on from being just about the kiddie's love lives and groups within it have all but replaced many forums - incl aviation based.

Jaba, Squawkie's good mate's forum had a little info from a local re the aircraft.

22nd Mar 2016, 21:13
My mate that runs a forum runs CTAF.com.au , however I haven't checked it yet for info.

22nd Mar 2016, 21:41
No, no - your very good friend that runs that leading aviation resource! I recall a perfect sh!Tstorm when someone suggested it was a chat page. Unfortunately CTAF has gone very quiet

24th Mar 2016, 06:10
Para in local rag....
Foxcon Terrier.
Downed due broken drive belt. Only minor damage from wire fence on landing.

Considering the surrounding boonies...very well done that man. !!