View Full Version : Flight Radar 24

15th Mar 2016, 21:44
Hi Everyone, could someone please tell me why flights 'disappear' from FR24 during flight? Is it because I am using the free version rather than the 'paid' premium version?

Many thanks in anticipation



15th Mar 2016, 22:59
It will be because they have run out of range of a volunteer ground station, or that user has turned their PC of….

FR24 uses private plane spotters with an ADSB receiver hooked up to their PC and the internet to the FR24 servers.

16th Mar 2016, 00:34
Great - thanks so much for the info



16th Mar 2016, 05:27
They are blocked when "chem trails" are turned on.

Going Nowhere
18th Mar 2016, 07:25
Flightradar24 Forum (http://forum.flightradar24.com/)

Best ask in these forums

19th Mar 2016, 12:00
Anyway to make FR24 show the missing ones?
There is only one way:

1. Purchase ADSB receiver;
2. Locate suitable enthusiast in the area where there is no coverage;
3. Supply receiver to enthusiast, with instructions to him to connect to internet and FR24 website.

Traffic in his area will then be visible on FR24!

19th Mar 2016, 23:12
Possibly via their version of MLAT. See here how flightradar24 does it:


20th Mar 2016, 02:36
What does flightaware use? Must be something else since it shows up the missing flights and more GA aircraft
For Australian movements, Flightaware gets a data feed directly from Air Services Australia. This means that aircraft without ADSB will also be visible.

This arrangement with Air Services Australia would be repeated for most other countries. Flightaware have to pay for that data, so they need to find ways to on-charge their end users.

One of the ways they recoup their costs is by charging aircraft operators for the right to have their aircraft hidden from view. So, certain specific aircraft will never be visible on Flightaware because their operators are paying for them to be invisible.