View Full Version : RQ vs RP

6th Mar 2016, 14:00
Can't find any reference to RP in the manual. Only on the roster. Any explanation as to the difference qual. or operationally and why only 1.07 CHrs. with an SO vs 1.14 C Hrs. on for eg., LON 3 man with an FO?

ron burgandy
6th Mar 2016, 18:04
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I suggest you try and have a better working knowledge of your conditions of service and at least know what's in it.

It's disappointing when a large number of our colleagues can't even be bothered reading and understanding their contract, the AFTLS and what used to be RPs

Will IB Fayed
8th Mar 2016, 22:09
Wow. Hopefully you've joined in the last 6 months or so.....