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View Full Version : Jonny Johnson gives the UK government both barrels

2nd Mar 2016, 17:39
And good on him

Britain's last Dambuster launches attack on David Cameron for failure to mint Bomber Command medal - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/12177903/Britains-last-Dambuster-launches-attack-on-David-Cameron-for-failure-to-mint-Bomber-Command-medal.html)

He pointed out that the Government provided no capital donation to the Bomber Command Memorial in London’s Green Park, built with the help of more than £1 million from Telegraph readers, but when the Queen unveiled it in 2012 ministers were in the front row.
“How two-faced can you get?” he asked. The new heritage centre and memorial on the outskirts of Lincoln, in the heart of “Bomber County”, will eventually have the names of all 55,573 airmen who gave their lives inscribed on metal walls surrounding a spire. Mr Johnson pointed out that, once again, there has been no grant or other funding from the Government.

How true

2nd Mar 2016, 17:55
But at least they did "something": how many previous Governments have done nothing, starting with those immediately after the war":

2nd Mar 2016, 18:01
That's true, though I think he was having a shot at all of them.

2nd Mar 2016, 18:09
And I do agree that the failure of Governments to contribute to the Memorial, and to heap potential liability on the Trustees, was/is shameful

2nd Mar 2016, 19:03
How many died doing the Government's bidding? How were they respected subsequently?

Sadly, it was not 'politically expedient' to honour either Bomber Harris or his amazing people, because they did what they did ... flatten Hitler's Germany.

"They sowed the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind" :ok:

Grobling About
2nd Mar 2016, 20:19
Mrs Grob and I had the pleasure of attending the event at which Johnny expressed his thoughts that were addressed to politicians from Churchill until today. He contrasted the lack of political support against the efforts of the International Bomber Command Centre Charity, its staff, volunteers and contributors. I'd met him before on a couple of occasions and was struck by his increasing frailty. Having said that he and the seven other Bomber Command veterans present had raised a significant amount of money prior to the event, and Johnny himself bid aggressively in the charity auction which followed his short speech. I truly hope he's around for a lot longer to grace this sort of occasion and help us all remember his comrades sacrifices.

2nd Mar 2016, 22:33
I am not taking issue with Mr Johnson on the matter of a special Bomber Command Medal, but in the way The Telegraph has reported it

But for many former fliers, the clasp was a derisory move. Those who fought in specific campaigns such as Africa, Italy, the Pacific, Burma or France had their own separate medal for that campaign, and Bomber Command veterans have long argued that their campaign in the skies over Nazi Germany, which lasted for the entire war and was the only offensive action in Germany between Dunkirk and D-Day, deserved its own medal.

This piece of selective reporting once again gives the impression that Bomber Command were in some way deprived of a medal, when those who served in other theatres got one. They fail to mention that the majority of Bomber Command received the Aircrew Europe Star, which Mr Johnson can be seen wearing. I have even seen people state, quite incorrectly, that Bomber Command were uniquely denied a medal, which is quite clearly not the case. I do however think that the decision to stop awarding the ACE star after D Day and replace it with the France and Germany Star was wrong.

Anyway, I know my views on this matter are unpopular, they are not in any way meant to denigrate the achievements and sacrifice of Bomber Command crews, but it is not helpful if people ignore the facts when trying to make a special case.

3rd Mar 2016, 07:21
TTN - I have been making that point on social media for most of the day. Perhaps it is also fair to add that many who did not serve in Bomber Command, but flew in bomber aircraft in other theatres (or perhaps their relatives) are campaigning to have the Bomber Command Clasp awarded to them. It is a very emotive subject and some people are getting quite heated over it but the fact remains that there are rules and protocol concerning the issue of medals and these should not be ignored.